Why is Taurus the most confusing man EVER?

2019-08-15 7:41 pm
I'm involved with a Taurus and he's such a hot and cold person, I don't understand him and don't know what he wants! Any other women out here ho have dated or are dating a Taurus? Drop your stories!

回答 (4)

2019-08-17 3:38 am
No two men with Sun in Taurus will be the same .... so other stories will not help you.

You are asking about someone born while Sun moves through Taurus (late April to late May).
NO two Taurus people will be identical, because the Sun sign - while easy to find (and easy to sell) - is ONLY 1/50th of the entire personal birthchart for a given individual.

And Sun doesn't indicate emotions or relationship style. You have to look other places in the birthchart.

As for this guy being confused .. YOU are confused. Usually this happens when what we experience/see/don't-see is NOT what we WANT to see. So rather than accepting things as they are, we refuse to see clearly .. and this is what causes our confusion.

Look at what he is NOT doing.
A guy who blows hot/cold, is NOT afraid of losing you to some other guy.
A guy who is NOT chasing after you is not all the interested in you. He may resort to you when he cannot get sex somewhere else, or when his buddies are all busy tonight and he's restless and wants to go out.
But if he is NOT trying to make you his gf, NOT trying to get a commitment with you .. then he just is not all that interested in you.

It's really very simple as long as we can accept what we don't want to see.
2019-08-15 8:31 pm
Don’t think this is a series question. If you’re really serious about the Tooth Fairy science, you’d be dealing with a professional astrologer. Anyone less is pointless.
2019-08-15 7:44 pm
I think you guys are not compatible
2019-08-15 7:48 pm
We find what we look for. I am Taurus male. In my life and relationships I've been honest, loyal and faithful. However I may tend to be kind of cold as life has taught me its not so much emotions as right and wrong. I think long term with no plan etched in stone. Everything I have planned for today could blow up in my face, yet I'd still have a good day.
His quirks are him, don't blame Taurus on that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:12
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