What do you do when your husband is sick?

2019-08-14 1:50 pm
Newly wed. He’s been sick 4 days. It’s a cold

回答 (7)

2019-08-14 2:16 pm
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Well, I may get him a drink a little more often, and I'll ask him if he needs me to pick up anything (kleenex, paracetamol, nasal spray) when I go to the store.

Other than that my husband is a big boy. He doesn't need to be nursed through a cold.
2019-08-14 10:34 pm
Chicken soup, of course ! Home made by you, Campbell's won't do ! Include garlic to keep away vampires, add a little white wine for flavor and conviviality, hand some matzo balls or noodles for comfort. He'll love it, and you.
2019-08-14 7:52 pm
Tell him to get up and act like a man.
2019-08-14 2:56 pm
dance around him naked and beat on drums. hei ha ja ja , hei ha ja ja
2019-08-14 1:59 pm
Maybe you could make a soup for him ? You could also buy him a get better card . Make him feel loved .
2019-08-14 1:51 pm
He's been sick in bed for four days with a cold? You picked a winner there.
2019-08-14 11:35 pm
So, give him some painkillers and tell him to not be a baby.

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