關於there need to be changes?

2019-08-13 8:58 am
Call me If there need to be changes made on the order forms,so that I can contact the departments.
這是多益習題其中的一段 題本給的翻譯為:

我的疑問是 為什麼這裡是用
(1)there need to be changes made on the order forms
而不是(2)there need to be changed on the order forms
或者(3)there need changes made on the order forms 就好
另外再問 因為(2)跟(3)是我自己造的 而(1)是題本寫的

我的(2)句打錯了 主詞應該是it而不是there (2)it need to be changed on the order forms 再補充一下 我在網路上真的找不到"need to be+名詞"的句型 都是"need to be+形容詞或者P.P." 但是change字典上沒有形容詞的用法 請大大幫忙解惑~

回答 (2)

2019-08-13 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
need=be obliged ; be necessary
need vt:-want; require
eg:-It doesn't need to be changed about(----)
=There need to make
=There need to become
=to change place with someone
=eg:-To change USA with Obama.
=Active voice
--->there need to be changes
=being changed-----passive voice.
eg:-There need to be made changes (on the order forms)
=There need (to make changes ) on the ordered-contacted forms----->better.
2019-08-13 1:01 pm
to be changed................................

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