I'm so sick of Americans. Does anyone have advice on how to get a job in the UK? I have a Master's degree, which helps a little.?

2019-08-13 5:26 am

回答 (10)

2019-08-13 5:37 am
Wait till you see the UK income tax rate!!
2019-08-13 5:29 am
If you are in the US then you would have to find an Employer in the UK who would sponsor you. They would have to prove to our Government that they cannot find anyone in the UK who cannot do the job. You would need to be highly skilled.
A Masters degree in what ?
2019-08-13 5:32 am
You would need a sponsor. If your company has offices worldwide, you can request a transfer.

Why the UK? Pretty sure they have lots of talent there...just saying.
2019-08-15 4:18 am
IF in fact you have a Master's Degree, you would realize you need to use your brain and not your emotions to research whether or not your Master's Degree is worth anything in the UK. Some degrees are not acknowledged as qualifications there as well as if someone from the UK had a Master's Equivalent and wanted to come here.
I would think you could rationalize that being "sick of Americans" is not a valid criteria to immigrate without knowing much about the country you wish to go.
2019-08-14 12:45 am
Master's degree + experience in which occupation? And is it an occupation listed on UK's shortage list? IF you meet all requirements for an occupation on UK's shortage list, then you must apply for an open position with an AUTHORIZED employer who holds govt permission to consider foreign applicants for shortage-list position.

Expect to compete with a large volume of applicants from around the world trying to find work - often 100-1000 applicants for one job. IF hired, the employer must apply for your temporary employment visa. You will be interviewed at UK consulate nearest your home in your country. Only after approved for & receipt of visa can you enter UK.
2019-08-13 7:37 pm
Depends what your Master's degree is in - if it's a STEM area, and you meet the work visa requirements, you could look to find a qualifying employer to sponsor your work visa
2019-08-13 5:29 am
Are you living in the UK currently? You did not say if your living there. Are you living in the US? If so, get on a plane and go. The UK is fine with people just arriving, taking jobs, and displacing citizens.

Oh wait, that exactly why they are leaving the EU.. Never mind... Maybe you should try Germany, they will take anyone....
2019-08-13 11:40 pm
Depends on the major your degree is in as in general it's the STEM professions that qualify for work visas. However, it's a lot easier for an American to move to Canada with a soft science degree than it would be to move to the UK or any European nation.
2019-08-14 1:45 am
Have the degree and work skills required to qualify for an employer sponsored visa from the occupation list of jobs advertised https://workpermit.com/immigration/united-kingdom/uk-tier-2-shortage-occupation-list
2019-08-13 5:32 am
just go apply for them and someone might hire you

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