Can I take these items in my carry on bag? Flight on South West?

2019-08-12 9:15 am
I have little goodie bags, they contain very small little glass cork bottles with glitter inside, a very small dollar store candle and other items. I m only worried about the dollar store candles and glass cork bottles. Can I take that in my carry on bag? Or should I just check my bag?

回答 (6)

2019-08-12 9:17 am
just check-it .............................................
2019-08-12 12:20 pm
All are fine. Glass is not prohibited in carry-on bags. Glitter and candles are perfectly fine (assuming they are wax candles, and not gel candles). I would not put those in a checked bag - they might break with all the rough handling those bags tend to get.
2019-08-12 10:04 am
The jars are fine, the glitter is fine, and I don't know why a very small candle wouldn't be fine. The TSA, which makes these rules, has a website with lists and a way to ask about specific items. You could look there.
2019-08-13 12:55 am
It should be ok. Anything that shows up on the scan looking like a bomb or a weapon is going to cause your bag to be opened and searched. They might do that. Just allow plenty of time to get through security.
2019-08-12 9:17 am
Candies are probably fine. Glass wouldn't be is my guess
2019-08-12 9:40 am
maybe not, i would call the airlines and ask them

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