謝謝朋友送的禮物 英文?

2019-08-11 11:20 pm

回答 (3)

2019-08-12 5:42 am
1. 虛偽的感謝:
My husband and I are very grateful for your wonderful and timely gift for our new baby Anabel.

2. 真誠的感謝:
不知道你與你友的關係 所以沒法寫.
2019-08-12 5:36 pm
Thank you for the gift from my friend.
It is something given as a present, as a special aptitude聰颖才能, as an ability, as a power&talent.
2019-08-12 5:13 pm
Thanks for the gift which is given by my friend.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 00:35:38
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