以(1)社會議題(2)心靈的探討 詮軸釋畫作所蘊含的慈善理念與人生哲理。 請問英文如何翻譯 謝謝?

2019-08-11 5:35 pm

回答 (3)

2019-08-11 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1)Social and community issues
(2)The discussion of the mind
The concept of charity and philosophy of life
as may be contained in the interpretation meaning of the paintings.
2019-08-13 7:01 am
詮釋畫作 ( 我寫錯了 對不起各位英文大大 英文已夠爛 中文還寫錯 對不起 )
2019-08-12 5:47 am
以(1)社會議題(2)心靈的探討 詮釋畫作所蘊含的慈善理念與人生哲理。

The interpretation of the paintings' implicit philanthropy and life philosophy on the basis of (1) social issues and (2) spiritual reflections.

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