1。華人到馬來西亞申請到第二個家園計劃成功後,因擔心治安問題,能申請鎗牌及自行購買鎗枝放在家中保管嗎? 2。華人到馬來西亞申請到第二個家園計劃成功後,境外入息馬來西亞政府會審查及要交稅嗎? 請幫忙回答,謝謝你們~?

2019-08-09 2:26 am

回答 (2)

2019-08-09 11:50 am
1. No.

The problems are:

a. The law specifies a "good reason" is required, which is generally interpreted that your reason(s) must beyond the scope of self-defense. In your case, you will not qualified.

b. MM2H is not an immigration program. So your entitlements under the law is heavily limited.

2. No.

(Note - Answer has been modified to reflect MM2H.)
2019-08-09 2:08 pm


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