Which government don’t make ppl pay state/ or provincial taxes in Canada or the US from either paycheques or buying stuff?

2019-08-09 1:24 am

回答 (5)

2019-08-09 1:25 am
Exactly NONE of them
2019-08-09 1:27 am
Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no income tax, but they make up the revenue with higher property taxes or sales taxes. Some of them are stiII cheaper overaII than other states. Alaska is probably the cheapest state - no sales tax, 1.19% property tax. They aIso essentiaIIy pay their residents to live there. Investment earnings on Alaskan mineral royalties are paid out to Alaska residents.
2019-08-09 1:27 am
The governments that can form a proper sentence?

Just a guess.
2019-08-09 3:38 am
The federal government taxes income...cannot avoid this...
2019-08-09 1:28 am
The Luxemburg government. Every Thursday.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:09:20
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