多益聽力 請高手幫解答~?

2019-08-06 11:05 pm
Today, according to a recent research,British people spend up to 5 years of our lives queuing - as opposed to twelve months looking for things they have lost.But things may be changing.Many people no longer have the patience to stand in a queue.The law of the jungle has begun to operate at bus stops,with people using their elbows to push others out of the way.Dr.Sam Bartholomew, an expert in queuing,believes this trend may continue. She says'' As we get more Europeanized, that may be a tendency.'' She also mentions that social manners in urban areas are deteriorating as people are becoming more self-centered and indifferent to their surroundings. She also adds"We need to rediscover the old good behaviors in the past"

最主要不懂的地方是queuing這個單字 我只查到是排隊跟等待的意思
可是文章裡放進去文意就變得有點怪怪的 其中兩句
British people spend up to 5 years of our lives queuing - as opposed to twelve months looking for things they have lost.
英國人花了長達5年的時間排隊 - 而不是12個月尋找他們失去的東西。
這到底在說什麼 花5年排隊(這數字會不會有點不太實際)?? 失去的東西?? 完全看不懂?
an expert in queuing 排隊高手?
我已經把完整的聽力題目打上來 並沒有省略 請高手幫完整翻譯一下
因為實在看的母煞煞 感謝~

回答 (2)

2019-08-07 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

"一般人 整個人生之中 有25年是在睡覺"


"一般人 整個人生之中 有5年是在排隊"
"一般人 整個人生之中 有12月是在找失物"

2019-08-07 4:45 pm
(1)A queue of British people waiting for 5 yrs for the bus;but no longer a long queue of life to the front to join the queue as they follow Europeans to jump the queue.
(2)--->as opposed to 1 yr.is used to compare two things showing they are different from each other of 5:1 Or to claim back their Britishers' property=the lost-and-found.Or the author-readers has "no opposed "at all=Dr.Sam is ambiguous, unclear, confusing,not certain in the written ?!
全不按, 而按欧美次秩序?!

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