How to discipline as a supervisor?

2019-08-04 9:11 am
I’ve been a supervisor at my job for 2 months now and I’ve been generally nice to everyone just trying to get the hang of my job now. I’ve realized that people are taking advantage of me being nice, taking extra long breaks, coming in late, etc cause they don’t think I will say anything. I don’t want to go to extremes with what I say, but I obviously don’t want to say nothing either. Any tips?

回答 (3)

2019-08-04 11:40 am
As long as you aren't getting any heat from your superiors, leave the workers alone. However, in your own nice way, tell them not to go to extremes and instead try to keep regular hours at work. If they're getting the job done OK, don't bother them at all.
2019-08-04 11:08 am
You can certainly talk quietly to employees who are taking long breaks and discuss how you need them on the job. Overall, incentives work better than punishment. Many companies have systems like merit points for coming to work on time, and demerits for those who don't. I know one company that gives raises of 10 cents an hour after a certain length of time with no tardies. You may not have the authority to give rewards like that, but you can probably think of something people would like- if they're on time for three months, they get to come in an hour late one day, or something. Talk to your superiors about what you can do.
2019-08-04 9:16 am
Ask your boss or say something to them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:38:03
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