Why do many Americans think it is okay to have a gun?

2019-08-03 12:57 pm
Nobody should be comfortable owning a murder weapon. How could this be okay???

回答 (29)

2019-08-03 1:11 pm
Well, as Americans, that is one of the rights we have.
2019-08-03 1:02 pm
The United States Constitution disagrees with you .
2019-08-03 1:24 pm
Tell that to the police force.
2019-08-03 3:01 pm
There is nothing bad about having a gun. It is a 2nd amendment right. It only becomes a problem when they start using it on others.
2019-08-04 9:32 am
They are scared of each other.
2019-08-04 5:50 am
Because Americans are more scared without their guns.
2019-08-04 1:06 am
The second amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms. Since criminals have guns isn't it safer for regular people to have them as well? Or would you rather the dangerous criminals that don't care about following the law be the only ones to have them?
2019-08-05 4:21 am
When two or three home invaders are breaking down your front door, maybe then you should ask this question.
2019-08-04 3:07 pm
Why do some people think its perfectly okay for the government to stockpile weaponry, and for the general population to be completely defenseless?

It's a mystery. I'm just glad that I'm smart enough to know how weak of a mindset that is. I'll defend myself to the bitter end.
2019-08-04 10:01 am
Why's that you use forks spoons knives? Those make perfectly fine murder weapons.

Why focus on guns unless you are some old crone trying to get hubby to get rid of his collection?

What's your point? Err..pointed sticks make fine murder weapons.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:41
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