Is it necessary to go inspect my rental property?

2019-08-01 6:49 pm
I have rented out my house for nearly one yr. I have never been there to go for a inspection. Is it good idea to go for one or is it not necessary?

回答 (20)

2019-08-01 6:50 pm
definitely. what if it is currently being used as a brothel?
2019-08-01 6:58 pm
It is up to you however you have no idea if the tenant is lookingh after the property, who is living in it and if they have done what they think as 'improvements' which could be knock down a wall or rip up all the carpet etc, so yes at least an annual inspection should be made by giving the tenant at least 24 hours notice of an inspection and then you can enter the property to inspect, take an account of everything and photos of each room/garden for your records.......most agents will do a regular inspection once every 6 months
2019-08-02 3:47 am
If you have a brain in your head you would do the inspection!
2019-08-01 10:39 pm
You should ALWAYS inspect your rental properties EVERY year. You can make sure the smoke detectors work and if they are doing anything like turning your place into a grow-op. Check for pests, blocked drainage inside and out, anything that left unchecked by the owner that will potentially cause damage or devalue your investment. Research this further online to ensure your are looking for the right things.
2019-08-01 10:19 pm
It would be a good idea.
2019-08-04 12:13 am
I was renting and had a landlord come every year. one year they brought their daughter and she kicked the wall and made a hole and told her parents that we did it. when our lease was over we moved out.
2019-08-02 2:57 am
Necessary? No, but you can if you want to.

On mine if the tenants pay the rent on time and seem okay I do an occasional drive by. As long as the grass is cut and it looks okay I leave them alone and only do a move out inspection.
2019-08-02 1:35 am
Good Idea but not at all necessary if you trust the source.
2019-08-02 12:50 am
Performing property inspections are a good idea.It helps in tracking the condition of your property and it is better to conduct the inspection while the tenant is present.You can perform four types of inspections - move in;move out;routine and drive-by inspections.
2019-08-02 12:22 am
Nah. Just leave the people alone. It's all OK. That's what you want to hear.
Now for the reality check. Your house has been rented for almost a year and you haven't inspected it? Are you fcuking insane? It could be being use as a brothel or a crack house or have been totally trashed.
2019-08-02 12:15 am
It's wise to check on it.
2019-08-02 12:02 am
YES, you should do an annual inspection, and possibly every 6 months. Tenants don't like it, but it's not their property & you need to check up on your property & make sure everything is going OK with it.
2019-08-01 8:02 pm
You def should do a walk through to inspect damage your tenants may not have reported or don’t find important. Otherwise you’ll have a lot of work on your hands when or if you have to rent the property again, which is likely.
2019-08-01 7:07 pm
Well, in the ideal rental situation, you never see your tennants. The rent goes in at regular intervals and nothing goes wrong that requires your attention. But life is rarely ideal, and the occasional inspection to make sure everything is alright cant hurt
2019-08-04 5:07 am
it's really a good idea. Sometimes renters don't want to tell you about a leaky faucet or even a leaky sink. Make an appointment to spend 30 minutes. Take a clean AC filter just in case that's not been changed in a year. Tell them that you need to take a look to see if you need to do anything to the property. walk through all the rooms and look under the sinks and in the showers. Leaky sinks or dishwashers can do major damage to floors. And be sure the water heater is not leaking.
2019-08-03 10:06 pm
bad Idea - I have already sublet and charge 2xwhat I am paying you

you are happy, I am happy - so whats the problem?

(by the way - you are gonna need to get new carpets soon),
2019-08-02 2:06 am
Yes it is absolutely a good idea to inspect periodically. Make sure you give proper notice to enter in accordance with your state laws.
2019-08-01 7:59 pm
I'd have to say yes, at least at first until you know you have good tenants in there. It's normal here (UK) to do an inspection roughly every 6 months, although we had one who came in every quarter, which was a nightmare. As soon as we had an inspection, we had one month before the next notice of inspection arrived on the mat. And they KNEW we were okay tenants. I asked about it and was told 'because the landlord wants that' ... funny how the Agency would have been CHARGING the landlord for each inspection!!
2019-08-01 10:58 pm
You have the right, but it invariably makes the tenants mad. And it doesn't do you any good to know that you are going to have to paint when they move, because you will still have to do that. A better idea may be to inquire whether there are any plumbing, roofing or electrical problems that you don't know about. One tenant didn't want to bother me so they were running one-half of the house with extension cords from the other half of the house because they didn't know what circuit breakers were.
2019-08-01 9:24 pm
i would if i were u. they once showed on tv a person in uk rented a row house to a chink woman, when after a few years they wanted to get it back and live in it and a chink woman moved out it occurred she was running a marihuana plantation there - there were holes in the walls for ventilation and special lamps on ceiling and needless to say the whole house was ruined and required them tenths of thousands if not hundred to fix it.

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