For those who were conscious in November 1962. Would you believe someone who said they don't remember where they were when JFK was killed?

2019-07-31 11:02 pm

Yes, it was 1963. I should have asked for only people who were born before 1956 to only be the ones to answer.

回答 (13)

2019-08-02 4:08 pm
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i was in the 4th. grade in the classroom with my teacher, a teacher comes to the door very visibly saddened, and broke the news.
being in the 4th-grade, emotion was a little bit over my head; my own teacher was saddened, of course.
2019-07-31 11:08 pm
It was 1963 dear.
2019-08-01 2:29 am
JFK was murdered in November 1963, not 1962. I was ten years old and remember it like yesterday.
2019-08-01 12:27 am
I was in kindergarten

a lot people older than me that me have memory issues

like I was saying...wait...what was saying
2019-08-01 7:03 am
It was Nov 1963.
It wasn't enough to be 'conscious'; you also had to have some basic understanding of who Kennedy was and what had happened. A four-year-old would have been 'conscious' but not necessarily aware of the assassination, or not sufficiently aware to be able to remember years later where they were.
Or someone might have been living in a very remote part of the world with little or no access to international news.
I was 15 and I remember very well where I was, as I also remember where I was when Elvis died.
2019-07-31 11:31 pm
I was in grade school when the JFK assassination occurred. But I don't remember where I was when man walked on the moon so sure, I can believe it depending on variables.
2019-08-01 8:00 am
You mean even though he was killed in 1963?
2019-08-01 5:44 am
Sure. I was alive then, and I have no idea where I was. Of course, I was 4 in 1963, so, that is understandable. I was also living in Canada, so, US politics was no big deal to me. But, it is very common to not remember things like this nearly 60 years later.
2019-08-01 1:15 am
I might - zome people who came from 3rd world might not have known.
I waz a family waz blown away - me more than that.
My reazoning - if the govtz cannot protect their own,
what chance they can protect uz?
A total zhock to view live footage on teevee
of zomeone being zhot (I am in U.K,,no gunz.).

Yearz later - Lennon - - Again, in the U.Z.A.
I LOVE the U,Z., but even now, in NYC - too much foe me! duh.
2019-07-31 11:06 pm
I was conscious, but I don't remember. I don't remember when Elvis died either. I do remember the
Cuban Missile Crisis.
2019-08-01 9:34 pm
the date was November 22, 1963, not 1962. And no, I would think someone making such a claim was either lying or had been in a coma
2019-08-02 12:49 am
I have no idea where I was (but Its liklely I could work it out)

Not everybody's world revolves around what happens in the US
2019-08-01 8:00 am
It would depend on where they were from. For most people from the US, I wouldn't believe it.

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