How does GTA V online get hacked on consoles like Xbox One?

2019-07-31 11:14 am
I don't play games too often (work and college classes) but when I do have the free time, I spend an hour or two playing some games to unwind. Lately I have seen that GTA V online is one of the most notorious games for Xbox One that is subject to hackers who make playing very unenjoyable. My question is how do they do this? I love learning about technology and how things work especially when it comes to breaking software.

回答 (2)

2019-07-31 3:37 pm
AFAIK, they were using hacks on the PS3/X360, then they're using account transfer to continue their progress on XB1/PS4.

So no, the XB1 or PS4 haven't been hacked. They just exploit R*'s system, where they can't determine someone who's hacking or not using last gen consoles.
2019-07-31 11:18 am
My understanding is that there are no central servers fur gta5. So when a game starts one of the players is designated the host and their internet connection becomes the server. So then everyone else's info goes to and from them which means they can manipulate the data sent. I don't know any specifics though.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:55
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