Where do I start? Have to restart my life?

2019-07-30 4:01 am
When I was a little kid my parents got me into a school and had some social contacts for a social life. While I was growing up I didn't make any friends and usually kept to myself and had a boring life. after my college I lost it, there was something in me that felt neglected and dead. I isolated myself since finishing my college and quit job after ending up carerless, jobless, friendless.

Pushed away everyone one, became housebound and literally mooched off my parents and now I have no life in me to continue. Everyday I stay at home and wait for something to happen to change my life. No where to go, nothing to do, nobody to talk to, ageing parents. I have accepted defeat in life without even having participated in any of it's challenges. now I'm literally at the end of my ropes in the sense that I might lose my mind, my sanity soon. I'm 35 this August and life is becoming more painful day by day doing nothing.

回答 (2)

2019-07-30 4:11 am
hi ude i know what oyu mean
2019-07-30 4:06 am
Id start at the beginning.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:35:48
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