Can you sue a grocery store for selling you crabs 11 days past the expiration?

2019-07-30 3:47 am

回答 (18)

2019-07-30 8:52 am
1. They don't HAVE an expiration date. The 'Best by date' is a SUGGESTION.
2. You could have easily check the date BEFORE you purchased the item.
2019-07-30 4:02 am
You could, but you can only sue for your "damages". Or, in other words, what you lost paying for the crabs. I don't know how much crab costs where you are, but considering it would cost a couple hundred dollars and a day off work to do so, not really practical.
2019-07-30 3:49 am
You can sue yourself for failing to read the label. Then you can sue yourself for failing to attempt to resolve the issue by taking them back.
2019-07-30 3:52 am
Check expiration dates before you leave the store! Always! Otherwise, return the unused, expired product to the store - with sales receipt proving it was expired prior to purchase - and get a full refund.
2019-07-30 6:27 am
I can sue you for wearing a purple shirt on tuesday, but what damages would the court give me?
2019-07-30 5:33 am
WHY would you BUY crab that old?
Isn't some onest on you?
2019-07-30 4:29 am
It is not an "expiration date", it is a best by date. Big difference.
2019-07-30 3:50 am
Your local environmental health department could, but you'll need proof of purchase.
2019-08-03 2:14 am
How would the store know that a crab (expired or died) 11 days ago?
2019-08-01 3:11 pm
No crabs are alive when bought. You let them die or keep them 11 day's your problem. Some high end cafes do buy them & keep them live in tanks to clean out & then serve fresh. Your fault if you bought to many & did not freeze them or what ever.
2019-07-31 2:15 am
I don't understand the question. Were the crabs alive when you bought them? Were they frozen? If they were frozen, was it likely you would take them home and put them in your freezer for a few days? Did you eat them and get sick?
2019-07-31 1:19 am
No. You have suffered no loss. Therefore you have no grounds to sue.
2019-07-31 12:12 am
Do you think you've discovered some "gotcha" where the store will have to pay you thousands of dollars for breaking some rule? Wake up.
2019-07-30 9:35 am
Again after numerous times food does NOT have expiration dates, they are sell by dates or best by dates. The crabs are still good
Plus its your responsibility to check dates before purchasing
If you did sue and win the most you could collect is the price of the crabs
2019-07-30 5:21 am
It is best just to get a refund.
2019-07-30 12:10 pm
You have pubic crabs and you're blaming a grocery store? Am I missing something? 🦀😹🦀

Just kidding. Of course you can sue, but it's likely to be a waste of time.
2019-07-30 3:53 am
Yes, but to win a claim you would have to prove the grocery hid the expiration date from you.
2019-07-30 3:51 am
Sure but to what end?

You will have far more reach impact and cause more pain if you turned them into the state health department.

man people are sue sue sue happy.

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