How to not have any feelings for a girl and not get hurt by small things ? How to not care about girls but fool them into thinking I care ?

2019-07-28 5:38 pm
I am 21 years old male who works in an office. I seem to give too much attention to what girls think of me . I also always expect them to come to my desk and talk to me . But this isn't too much to ask because they do it with other guys and if they don't come I ask them a few times until they come. When they do come I ask them to look at me when I'm talking because eye contact is important . Eye contact thing isnt with all girls only a few. Girls have told me good looking without me asking. They also seemed surprised when I say I have never had a girlfriend. How do I get girls to come to my desk without me asking so many times ? How to make sure they hold steady eye contact with me ? I also get upset when a girl goes to another guys desk but not to mine ? I do irritate girls because I make fun of them a lot. I pay a lot of attention to my looks but girls have told me that it isnt the most important thing. How to not be hurt by stupid things like this ? How to make sure they come to my desk and feel comfortable around me ? Should I constantly go behind them trying to talk to them ? Please help me as I ALWAYS WANT TO BE HAPPY AND MEVER GRT HURT BY STUPID THINGS ????

回答 (2)

2019-07-29 10:13 am
Well, first thing; you obviously have a very dated mindset when it comes to women, and that is your biggest obstacle. You're trying to make it out to be some kind of self-confidence issue, but the reality of it is that you are treating women like they are inferior to you, and your actions show that you believe they are only there for your pleasure. Whether you're ready to admit that to yourself or not, that's your biggest core issue. Women do not have to come to your desk, and you demanding that they do is a general f*ckboy move. Also demanding to be looked in the eyes; that is extremely aggressive. Women are not attracted to guys who do not respect the fact that women are people, with their own lives, preferences, wants and dislikes. It doesn't matter how many hours you spend in front of the mirror primping yourself if you won't spend any time working on your personality. You are not only demeaning toward women, but self-centered, insecure and jealous. I can see all of this about you, from one single paragraph you wrote. I can't imagine the kind of patience it would take to have to spend any amount of time around you, and commend your female co-workers for their powers of reservation. You also don't seem to have much to offer, besides being vain. You spend all of your time thinking about how to get women to do everything you want them to do, without leaving any time to delve into hobbies that would actually make you an interesting person to talk to. Women approach other men because the other men treat them with respect, don't down them, aren't aggressive or creepy toward them, and have actual things to talk about. You should look into seeing a therapist to get to the root of the cause for your scarily bad outlook on women, and utilize the tools and lessons you get from that.
2019-07-28 9:09 pm
I understand if girls are avoiding you. You're making them uncomfortable. You're acting stupid. Get your act together. Everyone, especially girls, can see through you. It doesn't hurt to be true and sincere. Try it for a change.

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