Can a letting agent do this? What are our rights as Tenants?

2019-07-25 1:24 am
About a month ago, we found a property through a letting agent. We had a viewing, followed up and applied to rent there. We were successful and began the month long process of filling out all paperwork, getting a guarantor etc. etc.

The move in date was supposed to be 15th July - this was extended a week because they were doing work on the boiler. (Annoying - but not the issue)

Today (July 24th) they have phoned to say that the Landlord can NO LONGER rent out the property because of the management of the wider flat having concerns of sub-letting (even though we are doing this through a letting agent) and have told us basically we will have to find somewhere else and we will have to go through this whole process again (which could take several weeks) for referencing etc.

What are our rights in this situation? This could have easily left us homeless and at the very least they have added a month delay into us moving out, assuming we find another suitable property ASAP. How best can we handle the situation? Considering the vast amounts of time, effort and forms we've had to fill out to get this far - I feel as though there must be something we can do. In the least, is there any compensation we can claim for such gross negligence and time wasting?

Can a letting agent do this? What are our rights as Tenants? UK


Thanks for responses to date. Firstly - from the UK. Secondly - I'm not saying physically writing on the forms took time and therefore I am due compensation - it's more the time taken between back and forths between myself and letting agency, which did span near a month and is why I'm concerned of the implications in a scenario where someone is dependent on the property and potentially having to incur another month delay overall. I fully understand I do not deserve anything for form filling.

回答 (12)

2019-07-25 1:32 am
You have the right to live elsewhere.

Sometimes things fall through. It's a bummer, but that doesn't mean there was "gross negligence" or that you suffered any damages. They don't owe you compensation for your time to fill out forms. Good grief.

One more millennial snowflake who thinks the world revolves around them.

ETA: "where would they go? Incur massive costs from hotels/bnbs?" Many people arrange a month overlap when they are moving to make sure they have a safety buffer. You chose not to. The letting agent isn't your mommy.

And by the way, that wasn't what you said. You were asking to be paid for the "vast amounts of time, effort and forms we've had to fill out." LOL!

Please do not ever think about buying a house. I think the process might literally kill you.
2019-07-25 1:54 am
Regardless where in the world you are, you have not signed a legal contract, so you are not tenants and have no legal rights.......... what you do know is the 'letting agent' are VERY any money you have paid them then ask for the return of that money or report their unprofessional business,

I am a landlord and have been for 16 yrss, my letting agent turns around my property within a day and makes sure if/when tenants give their months notice they arrange all and any services/painters/gardeners are booked for the property the first day it is vacant and new tenants can move in within 24 hours
2019-07-25 1:38 am
Sorry no rights in the U.K. sounds rather like the landlord is not the owner of the flat, but maybe a tenant themself.
Whatever, they have the legal right to change their mind.
2019-07-25 5:39 am
Sorry this happened to you, but probably nothing you can do.
2019-07-25 3:54 am
Grow up. You said so yourself, the letting agent had no idea, and no control over the fact that the the deal would fall through.
2019-07-25 1:37 am
You're not tenants yet, and that's your biggest issue. You can't sue and win over things that might have happened. Further, your time investment was for your own benefit, not part of a contract that was violated. This is life and you have no case.
2019-07-25 1:50 am
Nothing is set in stone until you sign the rental agreement. NO you are not due any compensation for filling out forms. There has been no negligence gross or other wise. Your time is meaningless to the landlord. They do not have to give a crap what you have gone through. All that matters here is that you do not have a legally binding agreement. They have done nothing wrong & you get nothing out of it.

Both you and the landlord have the right to change your mind until the minute the rental agreement is signed.

"I'm concerned of the implications in a scenario where someone is dependent on the property " That is why you don't put all your eggs in 1 basket. Don't stop looking until you sign an agreement.
2019-07-25 1:42 am
Where in the world are you? There are no worldwide rules.
2019-07-25 3:38 am
Did you sign a rental contract? I don't remember you mentioning one in your question, just the stuff to be considered to be a tenant. And if not you don't have an tenant rights, because legally you aren't a tenant, nor have you been able to claim a legal tenancy.

But what the letting agent did isn't illegal either. They had to qualify you as a tenant before the landlord could decide to rent to you, and until that time the lessor is free to change their mind.

That month long paperwork process was due to you not being ready to be qualified as a tenant. Now that you are prepared it will be a much faster process. And to secure the property all you need to do is contract with the landlord. Don't make any moving plans until that occurs. Good Luck.
2019-07-25 3:12 am
You don't get any compensation for filing out forms...that's a little crazy.

Do you have an effectuated lease or not? That would be the basis for any legal argument.
2019-07-25 3:02 am
Yes they can do that. However I strongly suggest that you change your agent for one with a brain. Or better still go through a private landlord who will deal with matters more quickly.
參考: Private landlord UK.
2019-07-25 10:20 pm
Did you sign a lease?

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