At 18 what would be the best first investment for the beginning of a entrepreneurial career?

2019-07-24 4:42 am
What is the best first investment to jump start a life in entrepreneurship?

回答 (4)

2019-07-24 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Investing comes after you make money. Unless you are independently wealthy.

My business came before 99% of my investments.
2019-07-24 5:00 am
Investing is not being an entrepreneur...just saying...

How much money do you have?
2019-07-24 4:49 am
How much money do you have to invest? What do you know about and are interested in?
2019-07-24 4:49 am
There is no one correct answer. It depends on things like: What is your timeline? What is your business? How much money do you need to start your entrepreneurial career?

Most financial advisers will tell young investors that their first $10,000 should be placed in a broad index fund or ETF like the S+P 500. Then based on your risk tolerance and timeline you make investments in the stock market.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:22
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