What is a entrepreneur?

2019-07-23 1:00 pm
You see these millionaires who identify theirselves as “entrepreneurs” right? But what is an entrepreneur? I feel as though none of them actually disclose what they do and how they got where they are. So what does an entrepreneur actually do? Invest in stocks? Buy business? Real estate? How would one begin?

回答 (6)

2019-07-23 1:07 pm
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I think it’s Someone who has learned how to make money work for them instead of working for money through multiple ways like passive incomes, businesses etc
2019-07-23 2:28 pm
A person who starts their own business. Can be anything.
2019-07-23 1:09 pm
Anyone that starts their own business is an entrepreneur. Working for yourself instead of being an employee of someone else.
2019-07-24 3:13 am
Anyone with their own business. Everyone from the bodega owner to Jeff Bezos is an "entrepreneur."
2019-07-23 10:57 pm
See a situation which could make money and invest their time and/or money into it.
2019-07-23 3:03 pm
Someone who finds a need and fills it. Nobody starts as a millionaire. It takes many years of hard work and usually investing too.
They live on car less than they earn and invest the excess. In my case, my business did not need more money so I invested in stocks.

In your case, it can be cutting grass around your neighborhood.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:39:13
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