Those of you that don't believe in God and His miracles.?

2019-07-23 12:34 am
Explain this my cousin had a massive heart attack Thursday night and he had no brain activity and he was put in a medical induced coma. Sunday he wakes up and everything is ok with him. I already know that God healed him. I want to know what you think because you don't believe.

回答 (17)

2019-07-23 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Those not in the faith will tell you are sorts of false stories, and denounce you as being a believer, but know that the Eternal God sees you, and has recorded your faith.
2019-07-23 1:20 am
So modern medicine saved his life and you want to give a god credit?
2019-07-23 12:53 am
So your cousin is special and the millions of kids dying of terminal diseases in hospitals all over the world mean nothing.

Yeah... sounds legit.
2019-07-23 12:42 am
OPEN FORUM...THAT IS AWESOME...THANKS so much for sharing.
2019-07-23 2:37 am
Avoid bringing this good news to atheists, God answers the prayers of his faithful, according to his will!
2019-07-23 1:09 am
Believe whatever you'd like.

Your cousin was lucky, period.

Why do you think that your cousin is so special when so many people die each day, and are prayed for.

You're the one who claims to have had a face to face encounter with Jesus.

How could anybody believe a word that comes out of your mouth?
2019-07-23 2:48 am
uhh, rare events happen all the time. The body can spontaneously heal. Medical comas are often induced as part of the treatment regiment. Any explanation will more probable than leprechauns, fairies or gods.
2019-07-23 1:07 am
Why do you think I would be able to answer this question? Do you think all non-believers are medical doctors? Or, are you asking us to make up a story?
2019-07-23 12:47 am
He simply recovered naturally like many people do.

No part of your story requires supernatural intervention.
2019-07-23 12:48 am
So "God" "saved" your cousin, but does nothing to stop leukemia in children, or blindness, or fleas, or bedbugs - He could have easily created a world that didn't have those in it - why??? He lifts not ONE finger to stop pedophile priests, or the tsunami that hit Japan and the radioactive results of which are poisoning the world's fish, or anything else where a real "miracle" would have been great - instead he "saves" your cousin while he is in a Hospital, under the care of highly skilled and trained Doctors and Nurses. Imagine that - what are the odds of surviving with an entire MET team on standby???
2019-07-23 12:41 am
you know that big building he was in it is called a hospital the doctors there study for years to learn how to make people better, give them the credit they deserve for making your cousin better, the fact that you took him to a hospital and not a church speaks volumes
2019-07-23 12:48 am
I believe that the medically induced coma maybe is not mind boggling for some people with knowledge about how modern medicine work and people call 911 and not the preachers or religious friends for pray for miracles
2019-07-23 12:43 am
Glad to hear your cousin is ok <3 And modern medicine gave him a fighting chance by putting him into a medical induced coma along with the drugs. If no doctors were involved but he came back, I would call it a miracle.
2019-07-23 1:01 am
If you want to believe God healed him, you are free to do that.
There is no proof God exists, just because your cousin recovered is not proof of God.
2019-07-23 12:35 am
Not believing in miracles in 2019 is mind boggling for me. that is why i still don't understand why atheism is ranpant.
2019-07-23 4:22 am
Oh wow. a miracle. That is it I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE. PRAISE BE, A MIRACLE.
oh no wait, I have a feeling it may be the treatment he received and the fact that the body can often recover pretty well without miracles.
2019-07-23 1:51 am
By reciting the rosary each day with care, a person can know with certainty God exists and performs miracles!

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