Is a 3 yr old still considered a baby? I have a 3 yr old son who my parents baby?

2019-07-20 8:29 am
He turned 3 in early may and we're living w/ my parents while I'm going through my divorce. I also work w/ 3 year olds through out the year and for the summer and only a few of them are as babied as he is and most teachers want them to be independent and a few will baby them. My parents refuse to let me discipline MY son for continuing to scream in their house. They say "don't you do that to that baby (or my mom will call him her baby)". We get into arguments and I tell them he's a toddler now and if you don't discipline him he's not going to learn and when my bro and I were that age we didn't act like that. My brother even considers him a baby as much as he doesn't like to baby children he treats him like a baby. I know he's not 5, but he's not in a crib or using a bottle anymore or eating baby food out the jar, so to me he's a toddler. What age do you consider a child not a baby anymore?

回答 (8)

2019-07-25 12:52 pm
Always the baby of the family is the last born. Or the newest addition. Getting a family pet is the baby of the family if after done having humans babies.
2019-07-21 2:11 am
"Baby" or infant refers to kids under 1
year of age so your son is more so a
Toddler than a baby but either could
apply too.
2019-07-20 11:25 am
a baby is under 2 years old, a toddler is 2-3 years old and a pre schooler is 3-5 years old.
2019-07-20 8:43 am
A "toddler" is the stage in which a child is learning to walk. (usually between one year old to three year old) At three years old, your child is right in the age frame to be EITHER a "toddler" OR a "preschooler" depending on the child's level of skills and acquired knowledge.

Based on the expression "don't you do that to that baby", I am guessing you are someplace in the southern part of the United States. I have heard that exact expression from some families I know that have roots in the state of Kentucky. And - they are almost always talking about a child that is actually a "toddler" and not a "baby" anymore.

Drop the part of the argument about "baby vs toddler" and just push the idea that the "baby" is old enough to be learning how to behave. Remind your parents that this "baby" will need to be ready to start school soon and that one to two years is barely enough time to break these kinds of bad habits.

Also - ask your parents if they really allowed you to behave that way after the age of THREE.
2019-07-20 8:37 am
Of course! Well a toddler still a baby
2019-07-20 8:35 am
I think around 7 would be the age to not consider them a baby. When diciplaning a baby, either ignore and wait until the action stops or pick them up and put them on a chair or bed until it passes without talking to them
2019-07-20 8:34 am
" We get into arguments and I tell them he's a toddler now ".,.They say "don't you do that to that baby", your answering your own question, me i think its time he got a job and stopped draning resources
2019-07-20 12:21 pm
Same, he’s no linger a baby. I’m 25 not but my mother still calls me her baby, i am the baby of my generation and i am her baby, will be forever her baby. But he is your kid. I will raise my kid the same way i was raised and i expect my parents (when he’s old enough to be disciplined) to do the same. We live in their house and they’re a great help but if they decide to baby him when he’s not a baby any more...we’ll just have to move to a different house

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