What is your reason for being on this site?

2019-07-17 12:40 am
It seems that most of you just want mock and make fun of people for what they believe. Those of you who claim to be a Christian you are just as bad as the Pharisees. You are no better then the unbelievers. All of you need to repent. For all you unbelievers if you keep mocking God and His people I pray that you have diarrhea for a week. Everyone needs to get their act right and stop being so childish.

回答 (17)

2019-07-17 12:55 am
As a creation scientist and scriptural archeologist I come here to advise, inform and educate.
2019-07-17 12:55 am
I'm on here to respond to questions honestly and sincerely, based on the Bible. I do not agree with those that use this as a forum to bully others. Everyone is entitled to their opinion or belief and should express it in a respectful manner.
2019-07-17 12:42 am
Your answer is in my name
2019-07-17 12:42 am
That's a rather childish post from you.
2019-07-17 1:04 am
It is true I have a lot to repent for, but not here. If you identify one, I'll repent. Otherwise I'll assume you're making this up.
2019-07-17 8:45 am
I strive to imitate Jesus' faith in showing personal interest in others. The R&S section of Yahoo allows me to do so.
2019-07-17 8:26 am
I'm on a mission from God. I'm here to answer biblical questions from his Word the Holy Bible.

If you haven't noticed, there's a lot of misinformation out there.

Jhn 3:30 He must increase, and I must decrease.
2019-07-17 2:36 am
I come here to answer questions to the best of my ability according to the Bible.
I hope to learn from other people as I hope others can learn from me.
I do not come here to mock and make fun of people for that is counterproductive.
2019-07-17 1:39 am
I try to give answers that make people think. I don't know if I am very successful. I think most people don't want to think.
2019-07-17 12:48 am
I'm on here because I like to challenge my faith and see if there really is a reason for abandoning my life as a Roman Catholic. So far, Catholicism has shown itself to be free of flaws and no atheist has dismantled my arguments yet. Either I'm not on the right site to be pursuing truth, or atheists are even more irrational than Christians, and I'm actually right about everything that I believe.
2019-07-17 12:53 am
Everybody say hello to yet another self-righteous holier than thou religiturd spewing rancid judgment and demanding slavish obedience to their version of ludicrous cult dogma.

Eye roll
2019-07-17 12:42 am
Because I like making non-whites feel like sh*t.
2019-07-17 9:35 am
To answer a sincere persons questions about God using reason, logic, and scripture in the hope that it could help someone either now or on the future.
2019-07-17 12:45 am
I come here to defend the atheist view and try to dispel the outright lies that theists spew about us. I also remind them how annoying it is to continually impose their beliefs on others, and how nasty they are when they threaten atheists with their fictitious hell. Not that they'll ever change, but I enjoy the debate.
2019-07-17 12:55 am
An awful, dreadful curiosity to read the brain shavings of the lowly worms that infest the corners of the internet. What crawling terror will I encounter? What giggle will erupt even as I weep? O humanity, thou art arrayed here like a dirty glittery corpse. I cannot look away from you.
2019-07-18 8:13 am
To answers sincere questions and to encourage all sincere ones that there is a God Almighty. At the end of the tunnel he has a light and he will really help you. Jehovah is such a friend to you, just as he was to the faithful man Abraham, as noted at Isaiah 41:8-13. In verses 10 and 13, Jehovah promises each one of us: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’”
參考: Personal study
2019-07-17 1:34 am
To bring to light to the rest of mankind my discovery of mankind mistranslating the scriptures that make up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge and reasoning contained in the words being directly quoted spoken by the God of Abraham to a human named Moses. My discovery will lead to proving the existence of the God of Abraham whose scientific mind is where this advanced scientific knowledge originated from and not from any human mind on earth at that time. My discovery will force mankind to reinterpret this scripture back into the scientific text its always been based on. This new scientific translation of this ancient Biblical text will supersede all previous unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today. My discovery now makes the debate over Intelligent Design Theory far from over and in fact just beginning.
參考: The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.

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