Is this how far we've come, after 50 years of feminism ? Are we going backwards ?

2019-07-16 4:15 pm

回答 (17)

2019-07-16 4:18 pm
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At least we have proof of de-evolution!
2019-07-16 6:52 pm
That has nothing to do with feminism. There are retarded fools everywhere who can attack anyone and get offended very easily.
2019-07-17 4:47 am
"Is this how far we've come, after 50 years of feminism ? Are we going backwards ?"

What do you expect? We no longer live in the traditional Western society. That kind of thing rarely happened when women were treated as special under the traditional system. Other men would have beat the living cr@p out of a man that dared to do this to a woman back in the day. But under feminist equality ..... ??

Feminists elevate every single incident from the past in their attempt to paint the picture that things like this were worse for women prior to feminism. The truth is much different. There is never going to be a time in history where violence didn't exist. There will always be examples. But wives were not routinely beaten upon the way feminists like to tell us they were. In the past, a woman's brothers and extended family, male members would visit their abused sisters husband and "make things right" if this kind of thing occurred.

This is the result of "women's liberation" and feminism. We are all equal now. And that can look pretty ugly for women who are increasingly getting even this ugly side of equality to men. Hate to say it. Maybe we need more "patriarchy" if this is not the desired liberation we truly want.
2019-07-18 5:53 am
One random lout does not a trend make. This happens far less often than it used to, it's just that now police are taking it more seriously.
2019-07-16 4:28 pm
Don't read the shiate printed in newspapers as you don't get told the full story. How many men do you think we're hit by females over the weekend without any retaliation that didn't make it into the newspaper? My guess is a lot. One story doesn't demonstrate a step backwards, if it did one person speeding on the roads would equal a step backwards in road safety which would be incorrect.
2019-07-17 1:18 am
>> "Gabrielle ..., and a MALE FRIEND were attacked in the street..."

This kind of street violence has increased since about 2014 throughout many parts of Central and Western Europe. There seems to have been an increase in the attitude amongst some young people and mid-30s people that they are entitled to date and/or have sex with "Freiwild" (wild game) or "Infidel Whores". This seems to have started with certain policies established by Angela Merkel.

That might not be the case in the linked story from Manchester at all. Perhaps just a few chavs having a go.

But the general idea that violence is an acceptable response to a personal interaction with a stranger seems to have become more commonplace compared to, say, 10-15 years ago.

This does not seem to have any thing to do with Feminism™, though. There is no indication in the story that the violent perpetrators nor victims were Feminists™.

2019-07-17 4:31 am
Thing is, 50 years ago this would have happened but not been reported. 50 years ago, the woman would have simply said it was her fault.

So clearly we are not going backwards.

The fact that behavior like this not only gets reported but makes the papers is actually a good indication that it is getting *LESS* frequent, which is born out by crime statistics (at least in the US).

When we get to the point where all the papers are decrying that heterosexual men occasionally think inappropriate thoughts about pretty women, we'll know that crime against women has essentially vanished.
2019-07-16 10:51 pm
“Girls feel like they can’t say ‘no’. They feel like if they say ‘no’ then [men] might hurt you and in this case it was true.”
Have you seen how judgemental this is? In this case all that 50 yrs of feminism has taught us is if one man does it they all are going to do it - rubbish.
2019-07-17 2:27 am
Immediately get into a restaurant, a bar, someplace with people so you feel safe. Don't walk home, take a cab or Uber. It's not going "backwards;" just smart. It's what a man would do. After 50 years you've developed "an illusion of safety."

Liberated Lady, you and only you are responsible for your safety and the safety of your children. Buy a gun and learn to use it. Learn to defend yourself. Fill up with gas when your tank is at 1/4. Buy a taser, pepper spray, walk in groups, never walk alone at night or with someone who cannot protect you. Don't turn your car off unless you are getting out. Don't drive with the doors unlocked. "Smash and Grab" is real so keep your purse out of sight. Don't get out of your car, don't roll down the window more than two inches to talk. Never hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers. Most fathers teach their daughters these things very early in life.

I'm sorry that you think this is toxic masculinity. No matter what you do, this will always...always be the case.
2019-07-16 6:53 pm
Women need to be taught that it’s not okay to discriminate, and EVERYONE has a HUMAN RIGHT to “equal opportunity”.

Feminists believe that equal opportunity has such a high value that it justifies force and threats to make it happen, and - “the personal is political” - that it overrides any personal right. This is the ethical basis of all equal opportunity and equal pay legislation.

2019-07-21 10:17 pm
One news event doessn't prove all men are like this. It's not common. People I know wouldn't ever attack a stranger without some justification. Just wouldn't happen. If it was going on at a time when witnesses could see it they'd step n try to prevent it.
2019-07-16 10:58 pm
You might want to check on your history. Western feminism has been going on for more than a 100 years.
2019-07-16 7:49 pm
Sex positivity raises its ugly head. the Expectation of quick sex comes from somewhere, rage at rejection comes from humiliation. Both at ultimately bad for women and society
2019-07-18 12:20 pm
2019-07-17 11:33 pm
Yes, we are going backwards, especially online. Common courtesy and random acts of kindness are disappearing.
2019-07-16 6:28 pm
Feminism has been going on for a lot longer than 50 years unfortunately.
2019-07-17 8:32 pm
It’s hard to know if we’re seeing more violence than in the past or not. Surely there has always been a minority of violent criminals in society, both men and women. The wide availability of cheap alcohol probably contributes to the level of crimes like this. And drugs in general. It’s a relief the thugs involved didn’t use knives on them.

We have to hope they’ll examine the CCTV and somehow manage to find whoever attacked the pair.

Adds - the police have released CCTV footage now, in the hope that the attackers will be recognised. They might be protected by their thuggish friends though. See link.

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