Will this workout plan get me ripped?

2019-07-16 5:48 am
If I do push ups, bent over rows, military press, barbell curls and crunches 3 days a week, while being on a calorie deficit by tracking everything I eat get me ripped?

回答 (4)

2019-07-16 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, maybe not big. But, ripped. Especially if you go hard.
2019-07-16 6:01 am
You need a complex diet in small portions
And a low weight over all work out with
At least two or three days of cardio like
Walking swiftly on a dread mill or riding
A stationary bike like your trying to catch
Up with someone. Not full blown running
Peddling into exhaustion. Just fast enough
To break a sweat after about 5 minutes and
Continue for a total of at least 20 minutes
With a minute or two at a slow casual pace
Like a Sunday stroll. Then go find a place
To cool off and get rehydrated with bottled
Water. Don't drink tap water as it has lots
Of toxic stuff. It's ok to take a bath in it or
Wash your car with it or wet the lawn with
It. Just don't drink it. Read prevention
Magazine to lay out the best over all beneficial
Natural diet. Your body needs a little of
Everything through out the week. Protein,
Green vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, berries,
Kelp sushi, fish like salmon or trout, a little
White meat like Chicken or turkey and a little
Red meat like bacon or roast beef. But only
In small amounts. Too much red meat causes
Health problems. One or two servings a week
Is enough. Good luck
2019-07-16 5:49 am
Go hard get swoll
2019-07-16 5:48 am
Nah, you need a calorie surplus to gain the mass to turn into muscle.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:33
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