How do I become a mature guy in office that girls will actually like ? Looks don't matter anymore. How to not be called childish anymore ??!?

2019-07-16 12:53 am
I am 21 years old and work in office. I don't know my identity at all. I keep changing according to whether people will look me or not. I sometimes act nicely sometimes very rude. I generally don't care about others feelings at all . Especially the way I treat girls. I keep making fun of them and also I flirt with some of them by calling them pretty and giving them other compliments but I don't think they like my attitude because I come off as rude . Many girls think I'm good looking , not hot but good looking and they have told me this as well. But this has never helped me get any special attention. I don't see girls coming to my desk to talk to me without me calling them . How to become good friends with girls ? I also keep comparing myself. Suppose a girl goes to another guys desk and talks to them I keep asking that girl why she doesn't come to my desk. Do girls like this comparison ? Does it bother them. Some of them say I am immature and act childish sometimes. How do I change this and become a guy that girls actually like because they barely care about looks now a days.

回答 (6)

2019-07-17 10:43 pm
A "mature guy" would do his job and not treat the workplace like a social club. So you might try that.
2019-07-16 1:12 am
You need to define yourself to yourself. You act differently all the time, you make fun of people then you flirt with them, you come off as a confused, confusing person.

You know, I'm sure, that making fun of anyone is annoying and no one likes it. So quit that.
And then analyze yourself. What makes you happy, what is interesting to you, what kind of girls would you like to date, how would you like people to treat you. And begin being yourself, whatever that is, and quit trying different personalities each day.

Dress nice, be clean, be friendly and be consistent in your behavior and people will like you better.
2019-07-16 1:11 am
You may be coming across as superficial if you're "trying different attitudes" based on what you think girls night like. Why not just be yourself rather than some imagined "this is what they want"? Otherwise it's all a big lie, don't you think?
2019-07-16 12:58 am
Dress professional and be outgoing with a little flirting and laughing
2019-07-16 12:57 am
They don't like you because you're presenting yourself as insecure, rude, overly emotional, and impulsive.

Girls like guys who are calm, mature, kindhearted, empathetic, funny, and understanding.
2019-07-16 12:54 am
Wear a suit, walk tall, and speak with confidence

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