Which actual Scriptures say Christ is Michael the archangel?

2019-07-14 5:34 pm

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2019-07-14 7:48 pm
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Not one

Lets put that egregious lie to rest with holy scripture.

Hebrews 1 New Living Translation (NLT)
Jesus Christ Is God’s Son
1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. 3 The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven. 4 This shows that the Son is far greater than the angels, just as the name God gave him is greater than their names.

The Son Is Greater Than the Angels
5 For God never said to any angel what he said to Jesus:

“You are my Son.
Today I have become your Father.[a]”

God also said,

“I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son.”[b]

6 And when he brought his supreme[c] Son into the world, God said,[d]

“Let all of God’s angels worship him.”[e]

7 Regarding the angels, he says,

“He sends his angels like the winds,
his servants like flames of fire.”[f]

8 But to the Son he says,

“Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever.
You rule with a scepter of justice.
9 You love justice and hate evil.
Therefore, O God, your God has anointed you,
pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.”[g]

10 He also says to the Son,

“In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth
and made the heavens with your hands.
11 They will perish, but you remain forever.
They will wear out like old clothing.
12 You will fold them up like a cloak
and discard them like old clothing.
But you are always the same;
you will live forever.”[h]

13 And God never said to any of the angels,

“Sit in the place of honor at my right hand
until I humble your enemies,
making them a footstool under your feet.”[i]

14 Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.
2019-07-14 6:47 pm
There are no actual scriptures that read "Christ is Michael the archangel."

Hannah J Paul
2019-07-14 6:40 pm
None, of course. At no time does Jesus say he was the creature Michael the Archangel. Neither does any other part of Scripture.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2019-07-14 9:27 pm
There are no scriptures which say that Jesus was Michael the archangel because He is NOT. Jesus never took the form of angels the Bible says.

Besides, Jesus is our Creator God - all things were made by Him (John 1:3) and angels are only CREATED like us humans are CREATED, where Jesus is the Christ, the CREATOR. He was the One who created Michael - He isn't Michael
2019-07-14 8:31 pm
There are no scriptures that say Michael is Jesus.
Michael is NOT Jesus because he could not rebuke the devil on his own!
He called upon the Lord to rebuke him.
Jesus has no problem when it comes to the devil - he has the power to rebuke him - Then Jesus said to him "Away with you satan! For it is written you shall worship the LORD your God, and him only shall you serve!" Then the devil left him, and behold, the angels came and began to minister to him. Matthew 4; 10,11.
Jesus and Michael are two different beings. Michael is the highest of the angels - an order of created beings - while Jesus is the uncreated 2nd person in the trinity.
2019-07-14 5:40 pm
The word archangel means chief of the angels.”The Bible mentions only one archangel, and his name is Michael. Daniel 12:1

Michael is the Leader of God’s army of faithful angels. Revelation 12:7 says: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon and its angels.

The book of Revelation says that the Leader of God’s army is Jesus, so Michael is another name for Jesus. Revelation 19:14-16.
2019-07-14 6:21 pm

First before I say anything else, let me say that some of the nicest, sweetest, most God-fearing people you’ll ever meet are JWs (at least before they shun you). I don’t hate JWs, but I do hate the way they mislead people about God’s word. Now let’s get down to business.

The only ones who teach that nonsense are the JWs. You have to realize that the JW organization came from idiots who stupidly believed some charlatans about the world ending in the 1800s. When it didn't, they appeared to have formed a bond with others who had been equally duped. Thus, the JW movement was literally founded by stooges. Even today, higher education is strongly discouraged by the leadership. So, you can expect stupidity from the group when it comes to their doctrines, and such is the case here. I'll give you a couple of examples.

Here's their first reason on their website for their claim that Jesus was Michael the archangel.

1 Th 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

In their world, if you are at an opera, and after noting the terrific singing of one of the actors, you remark, “He sang with the voice on an angel”, that means you literally believe the actor is an angel. (eye roll, but not dizzy yet)

Here’s another example of minimal brain activity.

Rev 12:7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back.

Rev 19:14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him [Jesus] on white horses.

So, let’s say you tell your friends that Sgt. Jones with his men fought against the Taliban. And then later you also tell them that Capt. Smith led his platoon against the enemy. Obviously, that means Sgt. Jones and Capt. Smith are the same person, right? (eye roll and now dizzy) They’ve come up with similar “logic” from other passages, but these two make the point.

The JW leadership gets away with the above idiocy for two reasons. One, their lemming-like minion followers are mostly dumb, and the above logic doesn’t even dawn on them. Two, for those few in the group who might have a working brain cell, they literally are not allowed to think for themselves. Such is called “independent thinking” and it can get you excommunicated (in their unbiblical way) faster than you can say “shun”.
2019-07-14 6:38 pm
Trinitarians have problems with the term "angel" because to them it is clearly a subordinate term thereby reducing Jesus to a status lower than God Himself. Hence, the accusation arises that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is "just an angel".

But what many people either do not understand (or are unwilling to understand) is that Jehovah's Witnesses do not view Jesus as "just an angel". Jehovah's Witnesses acknowledge that the Bible describes Jesus, not as God, but as God's Son - the only being directly created by God Himself and is the second most important person in existence. (Prov. 8:22-30; Micah 5:2; John 1:18; Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14) (See: Who Is Jesus Christ?; JW.ORG)

Additionally, a large problem for many is that they do not have the proper understanding of what the literal definition of "angel" in the Bible is. Both the Hebrew mal·´akh´ and the Greek ag´ge·los literally mean “messenger.” When spirit messengers are indicated, the words are translated “angels,” but if the reference definitely is to humans, the rendering is “messengers.” (Gen. 16:7; 32:3; Jas. 2:25; Rev. 22:8) Whether human or angelic messengers are meant can be determined by the context.

Considering this, when Jesus was on earth, he was God's foremost messenger. He was called the "Word" because he was God's Spokesman:

“I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to tell and what to speak. . . . Therefore the things I speak, just as the Father has told me them, so I speak them.” (John 12:49, 50; 14:10; 7:16, 17)

Jehovah's Witnesses are not (and have not been) the only ones to understand that the name 'Michael' applied to God's Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. From early Christian writings until now there have been many who have believed this.

Some Christian theologians, like John Calvin, (Calvin’s Commentaries on The Prophet Daniel, Vol. II, Baker reprint, vol. XIII, pp. 369, 370), John Gill (A Complete Body of Practical and Doctrinal Divinity, The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1987 reprint, p. 617), and Johathan Edwards (The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 2, Banner of Truth, 1979 reprint, p. 606.), postulate that the archangel was Christ himself based on Scriptural evidence.

Also note what early Christian scholar Origen wrote: "There are certain creatures, rational and divine, which are called powers [spirit creatures, probably ANGELS]; AND OF THESE CHRIST WAS THE HIGHEST and best and is called not only the wisdom of God but also His power." - ANF 10:321-322.

"The EARLIER PROTESTANT SCHOLARS usually identified Michael with the preincarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the "child" and the archangel in Rev 12, but also in the attributes ascribed to him in Dnl." - The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, John A. Lees (1930, Vol. III), p. 2048.

"ARCHANGEL. This word is only twice used in the Bible, 1 Thess. 4:16; Jude 9. In the last passage it is applied to Michael, who, in Dan. 10:13,21; 12:1, is described as having a special charge of the Jewish Nation, and in Rev. 12:7-9 as the leader of an angelic army. So EXALTED are the POSITION and offices ASCRIBED TO MICHAEL, THAT MANY THINK THE MESSIAH IS MEANT." - Inter-National Bible Dictionary, published by Logos International, Plainfield, New Jersey, p. 35.

Even MODERN TRINITARIANS sometimes admit that Jesus in his pre-human existence appeared as an angel.
2019-07-15 5:40 am
Most abused verse... Jw insistence is bad for their business. 2.4 bil. believers worship Jesus God the Son...not michael.
2019-07-14 11:34 pm
There are none. But, then, JWs have a number of discrepancies.
2019-07-14 9:05 pm
None whatsoever. No Scriptures deny that Jesus is God Himself, incarnate in human flesh, either 😉
2019-07-15 5:32 am
Obviously, none. But scriptures can be twisted to appear to say anything you want them to say, when you have no accurate and authoritative source of biblical interpretation.
2019-07-16 6:03 am
2019-07-15 4:01 am
2019-07-14 8:16 pm
This article explains why we can come to the conclusion that Jesus is Michael the archangel:

2019-07-15 4:38 am
The better question is why Trinitarians worship the archangel as the second person of their man-god.
2019-07-15 4:59 am
not much is stated about Michael in the Bible; two times, once in Daniel and once in Revelations. We know precious little about Michael. He forced the Satan out of Heaven, along with the followers who surely are the dispossessed of the devil.
I don't understand the Christ/Michael connection, except that it is confusing and arbitrary.
2019-07-16 4:51 am
It does not say it directly. But, Archangel means Chief of Angels. The only ones that could be called “Chief” in heaven is God or His Son Christ who is obviously and without a doubt in a higher rank than an angel. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and King of God’s Kingdom. If you look at 1 Thessalonians 4:16 it implies the Archangel is Christ as it says he has the power to resurrect the dead. It says there that he will descend from heaven with a commanding call with an archangel’s voice and that the dead...he will rise.... No one else in heaven has such a great power and authority, only God and His Son Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:16: “the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first.”
2019-07-15 4:13 am
Archangel Meaning chief of the angels. the prefix "arch" means chief or principal . this definition coupled with the fact at Archangel in the bible is used only in the singular, indicates that there is only one archangel . the bibles gives the name of the archangel identifying him as Michael. please read Daniel chapter 12 verse 1, Jude 9 and Revelation chapter 12 verse 7
2019-07-15 7:52 pm
NLT has significant differences in translation to NIV that alters the text.

In Vs 4 NIV Jesus became superior to angels in the quality of the name he inherited from God. (He's compared to the angels and stands apart in name only)
So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

VS. 9 NIV Jesus is set apart from his "companions"; the very angels hers being compared to.
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy."

Good spoke through prophets and angels. He also created the universe THROUGH Jesus in verse 2. Just as prophets and angels aren't God, neither is Jesus. God performed His works through these individuals. Being used by God in no way makes a person equal to him.
2019-07-14 10:36 pm
"Crickets chirping".
2019-07-14 7:54 pm
They are two different entities. A person can battle false teachings and beliefs using the rosary and fasting.
2019-07-14 5:36 pm
Revelation 12:7-9
2019-07-15 4:36 am
Jesus and Michael the Archangel - the same person?
Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God's Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return.

But first it is helpful to understand more about THE Archangel:

The prefix "arch," means "chief" or "principal,"

and implies that there is only ONE Archangel, the chief angel; in the Scriptures. Further implying that there is only one Archangel is that the word "Archangel" is never found in the plural.

So because this evidence demonstrates that there is only ONE Archangel (compare Jude 9, "Michael THE Archangel"), when the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is also described as being that of the "Archangel" at 1 Thessalonians 4:16, this suggests that he is, in fact, himself the Archangel.

Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel
From early Christian writings until now there have been many who understood Michael to be the archangel who became Jesus on earth.

Early Christian scholar Origen writes:

"There are certain creatures, rational and divine, which are called powers [spirit creatures, probably angels]; and of these Christ was the highest and best and is called not only the wisdom of God but also His power." - ANF 10:321-322.

Back in the early 1800's, Bible scholar Joseph Benson stated that the description of Michael as found in the Bible "manifestly points out the Messiah." 
Nineteenth-century Lutheran E. W. Hengstenberg agreed that "Michael is no other than Christ."

Similarly, theologian J. P. Lange, when commenting on Revelation 12:7, wrote: "We take it that Michael . . . is, from the outset, Christ in warlike array against Satan."

Clarke’s Commentary (Adam Clarke)

Jude :9

“Let it be observed that the word archangel is never found in the plural number in the sacred writings. There can be properly only one archangel, one chief or head of all the angelic host. Nor is the word devil, as applied to the great enemy of mankind, ever found in the plural; there can be but one monarch of all fallen spirits. Michael is this archangel, and head of all the angelic orders; the devil, great dragon, or Satan, is head of all the diabolic orders. When these two hosts are opposed to each other they are said to act under these two chiefs, as leaders; hence in Revelation 12:7, it is said: MICHAEL and his angels fought against the DRAGON and his angels.  The word Michael  lakym, seems to be compounded of ym mi, who, k ke, like, and la El, God; he who is like God; hence by this personage, in the Apocalypse, many understand the Lord Jesus.”

The 1599 Geneva Study Bible: Revelation

“12:7 And there was war in heaven: 14 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

“(14) Christ is the Prince of angels and head of the Church, who bears that iron rod….”
John Gill, A Body of Doctrinal Divinity, Book 7 Chapter 5:

“1b2. Another prophecy in Daniel 12:1-3 respects the second and personal coming of Christ; for he is meant by Michael, who is "as God", as his name signifies, equal to him; the ‘great prince,’ the prince of the kings of the earth, and the head of all principalities and powers.”

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Daniel 12:1

“Ver. 1.

And at that time shall Michael stand up,.... The Archangel, who has all the angels of heaven under him, and at his command, the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ;”

And even trinitarian Bible scholar W. E. Vine (“recognized as one of the world’s foremost [Bible] Greek scholars”) tells us that this “voice of the archangel” (1 Thess. 4:16) is apparently “the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ”! - p. 64, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia:

“The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the preincarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the “child” and the archangel in Rev. 12, but also in the attributes ascribed to him in Daniel” – vol. 3, p. 2048, Eerdmans Publishing, 1984 printing.
Protestant Reformer John Calvin said regarding "Michael" in its occurrence at Daniel 12:1:

"I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ, because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people." - J. Calvin, Commentaries On The Book Of The Prophet Daniel, trans. T. Myers (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979), vol. 2 p. 369.

John Wesley:

Chapter XII

A promise of deliverance, and of a joyful resurrection, ver. 1 - 4. A conference concerning the time of these events, ver. 5 - 7. An answer to Daniel's enquiry, ver. 8 - 13. For the children - The meaning seems to be, as after the death of Antiochus the Jews had some deliverance, so there will be yet a greater deliverance to the people of God, when Michael your prince, the Messiah shall appear for your salvation. A time of trouble - A the siege of Jerusalem, before the final judgment. The phrase at that time, probably includes all the time of Christ, from his first, to his last coming.

Wesley on Daniel 10:21: "Michael - Christ alone is the protector of his church, when all the princes of the earth desert or oppose it."
2019-07-16 5:53 am
Nowhere in the bible does it state that Jesus and Michael are the same person.
2019-07-16 12:34 am
None. The notion of Jw that Jesus is michael, is merely profit oriented proposition. The WTS has to explain, print and sell to the members... also printed in the different languages... The WTS printers are busy printing all day long, 365 days a year... that's how they stay in business...
2019-07-15 7:03 pm
None of them do infact verses show that Michael is an Archangel and Yeshua is the Messiah
2019-07-16 11:41 am
The scripture verse regarding Jude 1:9 is a common mistake the Jehovah Witness have connecting Jesus with Michael.

The above verse only means that Jesus’ voice will have the quality of an archangel’s voice, or that he will be accompanied by angels who will shout for him.

Besides, the Bible explicitly teaches that Jesus is superior to all the angels, including the archangels.
Hebrews 1:4–6 says Jesus has:

“Become as much superior to angels as the name he has obtained is more excellent than theirs.
For to what angel did God ever say, “Thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee”?
Or again, “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son”?
And again, when he brings the first-born into the world, he says, “Let all God’s angels worship him.”

Angels don’t worship other angels; they worship only God.
Since Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is Michael the archangel, their New World Translation of the Bible (NWT) avoids the situation of angels worshipping another angel by rendering this passage, “Let all of God’s angels do obeisance to him.”

Obeisance means to bow down in respect for another person.

Within Exodus 18:7, Moses made obeisance to his father-in-law, Jethro; and in 1 Kings 1:16, Bathsheba bowed before King David.
These instances of obeisance merely describe paying solemn respect to someone.
Furthermore, they do not describe the kind of worship one would give to God.

The Greek word in Hebrews 1:6 that Jehovah’s Witnesses translate “obeisance” is proskuneo.
This word can indeed refer to simple bowing or showing a sign of respect to someone in authority.

However, it can also refer to the kind of worship given to God alone.
Interestingly, elsewhere the NWT renders proskuneo as “worship” when the verb has God the Father as its direct object (John 4:20-23).
Additionally, it even translates it as “worship” when it is used to describe the worship of a false god, such as the Beast in Revelation 13.
Remember, when proskuneo is used of Jesus, the NWT always translates it as “obeisance” and never as “worship.”

Brothers and sisters, rely on the Magisterium of the Church when subjected to confusion, the Doctor's of the church have the power from God to understand scripture it its original language.
2019-07-15 2:21 pm
I must say that I find it rather amusing when JWs speak about Michael as if they now have some definitive answer as to who he really is. The thing is, they have always claimed that their organization is the ‘truth’. But what do they think is the ‘truth’ about Michael?
Let’s see;

Jesus is not Michael.

“Hence, there is not the slightest scriptural ground to oppose the fact that Christ is again present, and that Michael, his assistant, has also again returned to earth”. (The Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World 1877 p. 107).
“Let all the angels of God worship him” [that must include Michael, the chief angel, hence Michael is not the Son of God]” (The Watchtower November 1879 p. 48, reprints).

Jesus is Michael.

“While there is no statement in the Bible that categorically identifies Michael the archangel as Jesus, there is one scripture that links Jesus with the office of archangel.” (Awake! February 8, 2002 p. 17).

Now If the ‘truth’ organization was in the ‘truth’ then, they are not in the ‘truth’ now. If the ‘truth’ organization are in the ‘truth’ now, they could not have been in the ‘truth’ then. Remember the JWs reading these publications thought that they were just as much in the ‘truth’ as they do today. When they believed totally the opposite.
They will say “We had new light” “the light gets brighter”, but whether the light gets brighter or not, ‘TRUTH’ always remains the same.
JWs how you categorically state that your organization won’t change its mind about Michael again?
2019-07-15 9:34 am
The one about not eating shellfish? The one saying you can eat everything in the ocean?
2019-07-15 4:04 am
"Philippians 2:9 states: “God exalted him [the glorified Jesus] to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name.”In view of the foregoing, what can we conclude? Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel. Both names​—Michael (meaning “Who Is Like God?”) and Jesus (meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation”)​—focus attention on his role as the leading advocate of God’s sovereignty."
The paragraph above is from the link below see the link below for more information.
參考: jw.org
2019-07-16 6:31 pm
He was and is more than the greatest man who ever lived and I love my Heavenly Father.
2019-07-16 5:15 pm
They are not the same entity, as far as I know.
2019-07-16 12:40 pm
Wake up. Reject this serious fiction.
2019-07-16 6:49 am
Jesus is not an angel. He is the Son of God, and He is greater than angels. There is no scripture that says He is one.
2019-07-15 11:55 pm
None. In fact, it teaching the opposite. That Jesus did not have an angelic nature, but was far above them.
2019-07-15 6:20 pm
2019-07-15 8:33 am
It’s actually in the book of revelation.
2019-07-15 3:21 am
Scriptures? WTF are scriptures? It s just people writing stuff. Why do people take them as if they re factual?
Just idiotic.
2019-07-14 11:03 pm
The scriptures. I found is Jude 9:1
2019-07-14 5:46 pm
No such thing as Actual scripture .
There is however a thing known as scripture but it's forged
or o you mean Witch actual Scripy ture

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