Is it illegal to publish someones email address?

2019-07-12 4:49 pm
I am in the process of developing a database website where consumers/industry professionals/public can access various companies work email addresses. There will be a monthly membership fee attached to this.

There are a few companies like this already like 'Agility Solutions' however I was wondering what the privacy laws were around this?

I think I am covered however wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts. I am based in the UK.


回答 (3)

2019-07-12 5:36 pm
You need to research “GDPR compliance” and if you hold personally identifiable data for any individual data subject (person) you must register with the correct body.

You can publish corporate email addresses, phone numbers and similar which are already in the Public Domain, but not personal ones without express permission of the data subject.

Failing to follow the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 can lead to very severe legal penalties.
2019-07-12 5:06 pm
With their permission, no.
2019-07-12 8:17 pm
Their are many regulations you need to follow. Most include telling the people who's emails you are going to make public what you are doing and why and get their permission to do so.

Publishing anyone's email either private or their individual work email that isn't already public without their permission is illegal.

If however you are simply intending on putting together a database of companies general email addresses that are already in the public domain then I can't see a problem.

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