Are there people who like to stuck in traffic jams?

2019-07-11 6:29 pm
There are all kinds of people in this world.

Are there people who like to be stuck in traffic jams?

回答 (8)

2019-07-12 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Very few of them if any.
2019-07-11 6:39 pm
I seldom drive anymore my lady drives me or my Son
and I like watching them and how daft people get stuck in
the same ones every day instead of working out alternatives
and also I can see what is causing them way ahead because
I was trained to drive that way and have attended many many
incidents where it has taken skills taught to me to get through
參考: Ex Ambulance Service 8 years
2019-07-11 6:39 pm
In traffic jams take traffic bread apply the jam and consume during traffic.Then there will be no traffic jam as the jam is consumed along with traffic bread.Regards.
2019-07-11 10:21 pm
I don't know why anyone would want to get stuck in a traffic jam.
2019-07-11 9:36 pm
I don't like to be stuck in a traffic jam.....but it doesn't really annoy me.
2019-07-11 6:59 pm
Like to BE stuck...............!
2019-07-11 6:58 pm
Wouldn’t surprise me.
2019-07-11 6:32 pm
If you don't mind waiting and don't mind your gasoline running or being wasted.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:19:09
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