What do you think that should be done to make medical care more affordable to everyone?

2019-07-11 6:33 am

回答 (6)

2019-07-11 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lower costs by lowering doctor fees, hospital bills and drug prices.
2019-07-11 6:34 am
how about making it more about care, caregivers and patients instead of insurance, insurance CEOs and the politicians on their payroll?
2019-07-11 6:35 am
Repeal ObamaCare. It's not rocket science.
2019-07-11 8:00 am
Stop producing the worst chemicals, tobacco included
2019-07-11 6:34 am
What makes you think everyone wants that? From what I can tell, conservatives want to make health care as expensive as possible so it can be denied to all the people they hate.
2019-07-11 7:40 am
Getting rid of Obamacare mandates would help. How affordable would car insurance be if everyone, even people without cars, had to buy policies that covered all routine maintenance, including parts and service, and full collision coverage including preexisting conditions?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:37:43
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