How much and how often should I feed my four year old cocker spaniel?

2019-07-10 9:06 am
Her physical activity just includes playing fetch with a ball and walking around the block two maybe three times a day

回答 (3)

2019-07-10 3:34 pm
I believe in feeding an adult two small meals a day (ie splitting the daily amount in two). This is because I have a deep chested breed, prone to GDV (Bloat with torsion). Note - the amount on bags is only a guide and if mine had what's recommended for them, they'd explode. They want to sell you their product! You should be able to feel the ribs, but not see them.
2019-07-10 12:47 pm
She should be fed two meals daily. As far as how much, that depends on what you're feeding. Start with the amount recommended on the packaging for a dog the size of yours. Adjust as needed so that she remains a healthy weight. Often the amounts on packaging are a little on the high side.
2019-07-10 9:30 am
i would ask your vet this question

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