Constant headache and burning sensation in my head, please help?

2019-07-10 7:09 am
So, yesterday I did a cat scan in the ER to see if there was any bleeding in my brain or tumors, but they were all negative! So, today I have been having a constant headache and burning sensation in my head all day and my vision is slightly blurry. They said I don’t have a stroke or anything like that. Also, my eyes feel really dry, they told me to set up a appointment with the neurologist which I am going to but I don’t understand why I could be having these symptoms I don’t think I’m sick and also a burning sensation is in my eye sometimes and my face and the right side of my hand looks a little ashy It all started when I peeled some skin off my hand 4 weeks ago I know I know I know I’ve been asking the same damn question but I think it might be cancer. Any ideas?

回答 (4)

2019-07-10 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dont overwhelm yourself with this, take pain killers and make it go away. The expert here is the doctor, tell them symptoms and let them try to figure it out. If you were released from the ER, in their opinion you will not die soon.
2019-07-10 8:41 pm
I would suggest you see a mental health care provider to help you sort through your issues instead of seeing multiple medical specialists for ill defined complaints.
2019-07-10 7:24 am
Sounds like a migraine headache and completely unrelated to your skin peeling adventure.
It also sounds like you’re either riddled with anxiety or hypochondria.
2019-07-10 7:23 am
Medicine Overuse Headache. Maybe MSG Headache from junk food. Keep well hydrated, let all the stress go.

If the ER let you go there's nothing obviously wrong with you. Go back if you get neurological symptoms though.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:03:27
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