Is the US government's story re 9/11 really believable?

2019-07-09 11:07 pm
Try to be OBJECTIVE: Can building really fall like the from a plane hitting them on the 93rd floor? They would fall STRAIGHT DOWN???? This isn't extremely curious to you???
(Also Tower 7 falls w/o a plane even hitting it? Hmmmm)

回答 (54)

2019-07-10 12:53 am
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Of course not. I have watched hours of footage on the subject, and the offical version is impossible. I could go through point by point, but the collapse of the three buildings, even the one that was not hit, was the first big clue. Only controlled demolitions could do that.
The flight paths of the planes shows where they actually went, before controlled military aircraft took over and hit the buildings. There were no markings on them. Look at the footage.
Yes, the passengers died, but not in the way most people think. There are many experts who have voiced their opinions, from pilots to explosive experts. There are eye-witness accounts of people in the towers witnessing explosions in the basements before the towers were demolished.
2019-07-09 11:21 pm
Yes, it is. That's the short answer, sustained by facts and eyewitness accounts.

My friend and mentor Ace Bailey was a passenger on one of those flights. When you bring this bovine excrement theory up you open that wound again for every one of the thousands of people who lost someone that day, so stop it.

The attacks were made, and some succeeded. We know who made them and who planned them, and even have confessions to go along with the photographic and eyewitness evidence. Your belief in this ridiculous theory simply undermines your credibility in every further post you make, so all you have done is cause some pain by making a fool of yourself.

Surely you do not want that.
2019-07-09 11:45 pm
100% believable. The story is supported by the evidence and by the experts that have reviewed the evidence.
"Can building really fall like the from a plane hitting them on the 93rd floor?" Certainly. There were another 17 floors above where the plane impacted the building. When the columns bucked due to the massive damage and the fire, those floors fell causing a chain reaction collapsing the building.

"They would fall STRAIGHT DOWN???? This isn't extremely curious to you???" Of course they would fall straight down. The towers were not leaning following the impact so the only external force to the building was gravity pulling straight down. Some debris from the upper floors did fall outside of the foot print of the building since those floors were leaning.

"Also Tower 7 falls w/o a plane even hitting it? Hmmmm" Tower 7 was massively damaged from the falling debris from the the main towers.

I watched the footage as it happened. I read what numerous experts have written. Some French moron with a YouTube video and no basic understanding of physics is going to change my mind.

If you want to believe the US government is behind the attacks, fine, be an idiot. If they were, they hired the people that took over the planes. All the BS about explosives (would have taken weeks to wire those buildings, someone would have noticed) and remote control military aircraft painted to look like airliners (none are missing) is insane.
2019-07-10 5:47 am
Yeah it is really believable.
2019-07-09 11:12 pm
It’s Mr. Moore, Ron. Skyscrapers are built to collapse a certain way in order to minimize collateral damage. You expect it to tip over and take out anything that lies in a straight line.
2019-07-09 11:09 pm
Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen Gretchen.
2019-07-10 5:33 am
Yes, it is, you right wing nut job
2019-07-13 12:36 am
Buildings fell due to the failure of their structural design. Three men may keep a secret if two are dead. There's no way this was some type of inside job where three plane loads of people were taken and killed so remote controlled planes could hit the buildings, etc insert Jesse Ventura telling us he's "got the documents". It happened the way it happened. No one though it could, so measures to stop it were not in place.
2019-07-10 10:34 pm
You are wrong.People believe what they want to believe and you are one of them
Reminds me of the story about English planes attacking Pearl harbour instead of the Japanese.
Motive: the English wanted the U,S. to join the war.
2019-07-10 2:31 am
According to congress 9/11 accords the government had a hand in the terrorists action
2019-07-10 9:54 am
may be it is a PRANK to the WORLD

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