My son will not attend special education classes what can I do about this?

2019-07-09 11:05 pm
He started doing this during his freshman year. He skips every special education class he has. He says he hates it in this class and he only wants to attend main stream classes. He refuses to go to the classes or go to his meetings. Grounding him doesn’t work and he is 15 years old. He says that it’s embarrassing and that he feels humiliated. He is covering his disability so that nobody knows. And that when he goes to the class he just wants to harm himself because he won’t accept going to this class. But he does accept his learning disability but won’t tell anybody about it. He just keeps telling me and his mother to please don’t make me go to that class room. Or the meetings, that being in the room or getting extra help makes him depressed and feel worthless. But when he has nothing to do with it he feels no stress or depression but feels normal. He says that he rather die than to go to this class room and that he is not mentally retarded. He is mostly in main stream classes

回答 (10)

2019-07-09 11:35 pm
It's time to break out a nice leather belt and explain to him that he WILL attend the classes or he'll taste your strap on his backside.
2019-07-13 12:51 am
He will go if you MAKE him. You need to punish him for refusing to go. If you let this slide then he will refuse to do other things.

He can't hide his disabilty. He needs to learn that he has to live with it and hiding it will only make it worse. He needs to learn to accept it.

You are the MOTHER and need to make him go and make him learn that he has to do as you say and he needs to stop being a spoiled brat.
2019-07-10 10:09 am
take some time off work, and go with him every day to school... Or beat his *** like the parent you are suppose to be
2019-07-23 1:55 am
It's possible you aren't being firm enough on this, but another possibility is he's right. You don't say what his disability is, but if he's mostly in mainstream classes, is it possible he was overdiagnosed? Learning disabilities usually apply across the board or, if not, they aren't significant enough to require special ed.

If I were you, I'd be talking to IEP or guidance counselors at school. Regardless of what they say, you do have an authority problem where he's concerned and that needs to be addressed, but the other issue is he might be right.
2019-07-12 1:35 am
I went to focus physics class (focus is where the dummies in school went) because i could never grasp it in the regular class. In focus everything moved so slowly and repetitively i failed again, not sure if it’s because of the speed or the content but i hated the class because it was full of the underachievers. People not like me, i was different and it made me uncomfortable to not be in the enriched program for that class only
2019-07-10 9:03 am
Speak to the school guidance counselor so that maybe something else can be worked out. Otherwise, maybe he needs to go to a different school. You never know how bad bullying is until its too late, maybe he's being bullied. Better to find out why he's so upset first. Then go deal with things like a good parent should. UPDATE: Why so many fictional stories? You are only 24 years you cannot have a 15 year old son. What a waste of time!
2019-07-09 11:13 pm
Take him out if special education classes or try and have somebody come to your home and help him.
2019-07-09 11:14 pm
"He just keeps telling me and his mother to please don’t make me go to that class room."

Wait one...who's "me" if not "his mother"? Your question starts with "My son...."

Apparently he is mentally or emotionally or both abnormal. One is not sent to special ed for being normal. In which case, you really need to be taking this issue to his MD or therapist, not to Answers.

We can't prove the case by citing one instance, but my grand-kid was abnormal (Asperger's); so his schools, his parents, and his MDs worked out a program wherein the grand-kid did attend "normal" classes. But each of his teachers was briefed on the special case and how to treat it during class.

My point...even though it might not work for your (or whoever) son, it might be worth looking into.
2019-07-09 11:13 pm
Sounds like he doesn't really need to be in those classes anyway, see if you can get him out and back to normal classes.
2019-07-09 11:31 pm
good for him...he does get to choose...its good to see that on a young perso

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