Why is it so important to Atheists to think that the proven existence of aliens would somehow shatter the faith of the world's Christians?

2019-07-09 1:52 pm
The answers at https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20190709052455AA0R42h, and frankly going all the way back to https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100318230322AAKXqBj nine years ago, show that Atheists seem absolutely DESPERATE to think that if aliens show up, everyone would just give up their faith.

WHY?!? Why is that belief so important to you? Christians tell you over and over that our faith allows for, even EXPECTS, the existence of extraterrestrial life. In the face of that indisputable evidence that the existence of aliens would not weaken our faith in the slightest, you inexplicably cling to, "No, no! If aliens show up, you'll all abandon your faith! You HAVE TO!!!"

Why is that belief so important to you? WHY can you not stand the thought that we'd still be Christians even if we aliens landed at our church picnics?

The few answers which actually addressed the question amounted to, "But, but … the existence of aliens would violate the way we non-believers exaggerate, distort, and caricaturize Christian beliefs!" I mean … yeah. If Christians believed the things you guys THINK we do, the existence of aliens might be a problem. But we don't. All this does is prove you don't really understand Christianity AT ALL!! Not in the slightest degree.

回答 (10)

2019-07-09 8:31 pm
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A big part of many Christian's faith
is the certainty that humans
are the specially created exception
to all other life, on this planet.
The special pets of the creator, in effect.

If we meet aliens,
who are more advanced, than we are,
not just in their technology,
but in their mental and physical capability,
then that pretense
of being the most special creation
will be harder for many believers to maintain.

That doesn't make it important to atheists.
It is just a prediction of an effect.


John Popelish
2019-07-09 1:57 pm
Whether or not aliens exist
Has nothing to do with anything.

All these fantasy strawmen are in your head.

ALL gods, their aliases, relations, progeny, domains and all associated product are imaginary and this will remain a fact until someone proves otherwise.
2019-07-09 4:06 pm
One post by one atheist does not represent all atheists. You need to grow up and use your brain.
2019-07-09 4:17 pm
It's not.
Just because a couple of random atheists may have said that, it doesn't follow that anyone else believes the same thing.
2019-07-09 2:22 pm
Beats me. I'm certain you can't find me saying it. But you know a couple of random atheists don't represent all atheists, right? And given that Christianity already has thousands of denominations; I'm pretty sure that some are going to claim the arrival of ET represents the Second Coming--if not, new ones will be minted that do.
2019-07-09 4:39 pm
It is not.
Atheists do not believe gods are real - That's it. There is no more to atheism.
In all other respects, atheists are indistinguishable from anyone else.
There are no collective atheist beliefs.
There is no atheist organisation to make pronouncements on behalf of atheists.
I do not know why you would think that atheists have a collective view about aliens or the significance of aliens to religions but I suggest there is no basis for an assumption.
Just because one or two atheists over the years may have said something stupid does not mean they speak for other atheists. Just because some religious believers say stupid things, does they mean they represent all religious people ..... or would that be an absurd conclusion to draw? I suggest it would be so I urge you not to do so in relation to atheists.
2019-07-09 1:55 pm
Never really gave it much thought so it can't be all that important to every atheists.
2020-04-04 5:15 am
We don't we know how stupid you all are. We know you will never believe the truth, not in your entire life, You love lies.
2019-07-09 2:44 pm
You seem to believe that Atheists are concerned about the many versions of Christianity they seem to believe in.
2019-07-09 4:30 pm
"Aliens" do indeed exist, but they are not actually "aliens" they are fallen angels. Those that accept them will be destroyed by them.

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