Ladies would you respect a man who has his mother talk to you for him?

2019-07-09 9:14 am
I don’t think anyone can relate but I’m 21 years old, horribly ugly and I get rejected by practically every girl that I have ever crushed on and the worst part is that I later continue to see that same girl end up dating another guy.

I have been rejected so many times that I feel as if I have hit rock bottom with my love life and I now avoid women like the plague.

But I wanted to know if you would respect a man who has his mother set him up with girls. I don’t ask her to but she wants me to start dating and I feel so broken that I don’t know if I’ll ever be good enough for any attractive woman.

回答 (3)

2019-07-09 9:57 am
Absolutely not. When I was that age I wanted to date men who actually acted like grown-ups. Even guys who still lived at home was a huge turn-off. Guys who let Mommy solve their basic life problems for them is even worse.
2019-07-09 9:18 am
If you need your mommy to handle dating for you then don't count on finding a girl anytime soon. No girl wants to waste her time with a mama's boy.

BTW -- Ugly dudes land women all the time. You are probably not as ugly as you think you are (or at all for that matter) but even if you are ugly your attitude is what's making sh*t harder for you. Change your attitude and lose the desperation and you might see things change.
2019-07-10 1:52 am
That seems to be acceptable in some cultures, just not in the one where I live. But in the places where this is common it's usually about arranged marriage, not about casual dating or sex. So if you live in a place where it's typical for parents to procure partners you'll want to wait until you're closer to marriage age to have her make those arrangements for you. Also know that if you're "horribly ugly" you're simply not going to get an "attractive" woman. Your natural dating pool will be "horribly ugly" women and you're going to need to learn to live with that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:35:28
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