Some questions about Amazon gift card?

2019-07-09 4:00 am
I know that Amazon will ban an account permanently if an illegal Amazon gift card is redeemed. Someone wants to pay me with Amazon gift cards. How am I able to know if the card is legal or not
before I try to redeem it in my account?
I have asked the Amazon customer service but he was very unclear and we were wasting time.

回答 (2)

2019-07-12 2:32 am
Anyone offering to pay for something in Amazon Gift cards is a scammer.
2019-07-09 4:25 am
Who wants you to pay with amazon gift cards? Sounds like a scam to me.

That said, buying amazon gift cards from a grocery store and giving them to someone is not illegal and not connected to your account at all. It just sounds like a scam.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:34:36
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