I saw a asteroid might hit earth in october can you please tell me any info?

2019-07-09 1:49 am


回答 (5)

2019-07-09 2:36 am
IF its trajectory changes drastically from current parameters, FT3 could hit the Earth.
But there is no reason for it to change course.
2019-07-09 1:53 am
Nothing that hasn't happened before
2019-07-10 5:53 am
Just another NEO. No impact.
2019-07-09 10:15 pm
details on near Earth asteroids are carried (with a lot of other stuff) on spaceweather.com but you'll be disappointed to know there are NO asteroids known with more than a tiny chance of hitting Earth in the next few centuries.
2019-07-09 1:57 am
An asteroid can hit earth tomorrow. If it happens, it happens. If we can stop it, we will stop it.

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