Is it ok if I do move away with my uncle and his girlfriend and kids?

2019-07-07 10:15 pm
So I have been in New York for a few months. I was born in New York and grew up here for most of my childhood. But did end up moving to Georgia with my mom and stepdad and brother. So I came back to New York wanting to live a different life then living it in Georgia. I lived in Georgia for 11 years and in New York for 9 years. Now that I’m 21 I want to be able to live in New York and see what life is really like. My uncle who’s 4 years older than me and his girlfriend offered me to go with them to live in a new home that they will live in . I am scared due to the fact that my mom in Georgia will say something since I left Georgia out of nowhere. I still have my stuff in Georgia so it’s something that I am confused about. I don’t want to seem ungrateful or anything bad towards anyone. In New York it’s hard living because of rent and all the expenses. But honestly I would want to see what it’s like to live in New York . Should I go with them ?

回答 (4)

2019-07-08 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're 21. You can live wherever you want. Your mother may not like it, but she can't stop you.
2019-07-08 6:18 pm
Absolutely - go for it
2019-07-08 1:38 am
Adulthood requires mature decision.
You sleep in the beds you've made.
Us other adults aren't going there.
2019-07-08 7:02 pm
Why you ungrateful little pos - you just go right ahead and abandon the people that raised you if your conscience will let you

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