一個可持有香港身份證的香港人, 他可以同一時間, 持有中華人民共和國居民身份證嗎?

2019-07-05 3:10 pm

回答 (3)

2019-07-13 6:20 am


2019-07-06 3:52 am
Possible, but rare.

Generally speaking, only the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) can cancel the Mainland Resident ID. When the process does not involve MPS, then the MPS will have no reason to cancel the ID. For example:

1. Those obtaining Hong Kong residence directly though Immigration Department, such as Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (優秀人才入境計劃)

2. Those obtaining Hong Kong residence indirectly by a third-party passport

These people will still have valid Mainland Resident IDs.

Also - Hong Kong residents who have established Hukou in the Mainland will be eligible for the Mainland Resident IDs.
2019-07-06 11:04 am

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