
2019-07-05 12:29 pm
Did you manage to find me a place in Kahlua Apartment building?

Did you manage to find a place in Kahlua Apartment building for me?

因為那個me的位置讓我覺得有點怪 所以才想說 這是不是什麼特殊的句子結構?

字典上find後面接的都是被找到的事物 而不是給的人

Did you manage to find a place in Kahlua Apartment building for me?
Did you manage to find me a place in Kahlua Apartment building?
最後再問 這兩句是不是相同意思?

回答 (2)

2019-07-05 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Did you manage to find a place in Kahlua Apartment building for me?
= Did you manage to find me a place in Kahlua Apartment building?
find是授予動詞(dative verb)所以有兩個受詞:直接受詞+間接受詞
me是間接受詞,a place是直接受詞

1.介系詞用to的有:give, lend, send, write, bring, hand, pass, deliver, show, teach, tell, sell, pay, owe, do, promise, offer ......
She wrote a letter to me. = She wrote me a letter.
He told a story to me. = He told me a story.

2.介系詞用for的有:buy, bring, get, leave, make, do ......
I must buy a watch for her. = I must buy her a watch.
She made a dress for me. = She made me a dress.
I found a seat for George. = I found George a seat.

3. 介系詞用of的有:ask
I must ask a favor of you. = I must ask you a favor.

2019-07-05 5:20 pm

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