I am going to China, want to bring a phone. Does cell phone service exist in CHINA? Is use of cell phones restricted or prohibited in China?

2019-07-05 4:23 am

回答 (9)

2019-07-05 4:41 am
< Does cell phone service exist in CHINA? >

Duh, yes.
2019-07-08 10:08 pm
YES, some places better than usa and cheaper. buy a card on their network there. Make sure your phone is unlocked.
2019-07-06 4:51 am
Bring some pigeons as a back up plan.
2019-07-05 7:53 am
I believe that it is restricted.
2019-09-21 9:34 pm
Use of cell phones is not restricted or prohibited in China. Unless your in a local cinema, threater or some parts of government buildings.
2019-07-11 10:52 am
Most American phones will not work in most Asian countries
You would need to buy a sim card to call locally
2019-07-11 5:35 am
I have a Huawei phone and I am able to use it in China. You might have to get a sim card which will be a fun process for you. I teach English in China so usually, my school will help me with that. In China just make a point to not disrupt the social harmony of the country. Act like you are going to a friend's house. Be polite to the Chinese, avoid conflicts and leave your American exceptionalist ideologies at home. Despite what others might say. Chinese people are wonderful. They are very friendly and helpful. I love living in China and cannot wait until I can return again.
2019-07-25 8:25 pm
A American cell phone will not work there. So you will need to buy a Chines one there & sim card. Around U.S. $40 for a decent one there. With sim card. & 3 day load. You will need buy a load also. They will put you on the high priced service as you do not know cell plans there. Also China now requires when you buy a phone there to show your passport & they will record the passport number. Also required if you buy a new sim card there. Use is not restricted but they do listen in. The new ATM machines there. You must remove your hat & glass's as it takes your photo to use many of them now in China.
2019-07-08 3:28 am
China voiced some advice for English speakers.
"Don't say we didn't warn you". It also halted all
shipments to English speakers of its rare earths.
Something it did twice before. Before using its
military against foreign nations. I recommend
recalling what happened to USA citizens in Asia
following an Asian attack of Hawaii on a Sunday

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