Could we Nuke our garbage?

2019-07-04 8:44 am
I was watching a video about the idea of sending garbage into to the Sun, and how expensive and risky it would be.
Then I thought; we have mini Suns right here on Earth. They're called nuclear weapons. Couldn't we send the garbage to an isolated area and vaporize it?

回答 (5)

2019-07-05 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You don't need to nuke it...some companies like CWT already use a process called thermal depolymerization to break down and convert organic materials/garbage into oil or fuels. Plastics as well can be converted back into oil through various methods. Or plasma gasification processes can be used. All sorts of ways to convert garbage and even highly toxic materials into fuels or disposed of safely. With the millions of tons of garbage we create in the world every year, much of it could be converted into fuels via various processes.
2019-07-04 9:03 am
at $10,000 a pound, that makes a lot of sense.
2019-07-06 7:50 pm
We want as few of those things going off anywhere on the planet as possible.
2019-07-04 9:43 am
Throw it into Volcanos
2019-07-09 12:02 am
no, that would be really expensive and harmful to the environment
2019-07-04 11:01 am
Don't hold your breath waiting for a phone call from Stockholm.

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