Do you think Butina was ever an actual spy?

2019-07-03 7:34 pm
I doubt she was.

The Russians just don't mention her anywhere at all. Even now as they are proposing a prisoner exchange, they never mentioned her at all. As if they don't care about her at all.

I think she was just an ordinary gold digger, looking to prostitute herself to some rich politicians.

回答 (3)

2019-07-03 7:36 pm
Another dimwit apologising for Russia and their spies.

2019-07-03 8:01 pm
Most spies, when caught, are always ignored or disavowed by the host nation.
Butina is no different.
2019-07-03 7:47 pm
Probably not. More lies like women drinking from the toilets at the border. It sells well to the gullible.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:20:10
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