how does plastic get in the oceans?

2019-07-02 10:01 pm

回答 (17)

2019-07-03 6:37 pm
Via the world's current waste distribution systems
2019-07-03 3:14 am
Its from Asia , India and China
2019-07-02 10:03 pm
Sorry say, much of it is from Asia, they dump trash in rivers, instead of landfills, in some areas.
2019-07-07 7:38 am
Most of the small fibres on our beaches seem to be from pieces of discarded fishing nets.

The USA used to tow out barges full of rubbish to dump in the sea not so long ago. I guess it is still floating around.
2019-07-04 1:46 am
There are three main ways the plastic we use every day ends up in the oceans. Plastic you put in the bin ends up in landfill. When rubbish is being transported to landfill, plastic is often blown away because it's so lightweight. From there, it can eventually clutter around drains and enter rivers and the sea this way.
2019-07-03 6:36 am
People throw it in the ocean or plastic could be in the sand and the water waves splash over it causing the plastic to slip into the ocean & some animals could drag it into the water & eventually let go of it.
2019-07-04 5:46 pm
why not......................
2019-07-03 9:45 am
Some companies dump it in the oceans, including some garbage disposal plants.

You have to understand that some company's have fat rich men with cigars in their mouth not caring a thing about the world around them but are out for themselves, for profit and for gain. They would laugh and say 'who cares about the environment bahahahaha' then they would tell their subordinates that they abuse 'dump it in the river it would save money for me and the company'
2019-08-02 6:02 am
litter and things like that. most of the plastic in the ocean comes from abandoned or lost fishing nets tho
2019-07-21 2:51 pm
It's because of people littering and/or the wind blew the trash to the oceans.
2019-07-12 9:36 pm
i would blame humans all the time
2019-07-10 10:41 am
u threw it in the ocean XD
2019-07-07 9:01 pm
democrats throw it in there
2019-07-06 1:16 pm
Chinese Litterbugs.
2019-07-06 1:08 pm
A study published in February this year suggests that 93% of the new plastic arriving in the oceans each year is brought by just ten different rivers. The study took the average plastic concentration in each river and multiplied it by the flow rate of the river to estimate the rate at which the river carries plastic to the sea.
2019-07-06 12:24 am
W edutifully separate it into coloured bins, the council then collects it using lots of diesel. It then gets sent to China, using a lot more diesel, we pay some nice chinese people to recycle it, and they dump it in the ocean for us.
2019-07-02 10:03 pm
People drinking six packs and bottled water on the shore and leaving it where the tide pick it up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 16:16:53
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