What is going on?

2019-06-30 1:17 pm
So basically my girlfriend just told me she doesn’t know what she wants and she wanted to be friends until she figures it out and next day she’s texting me to hangout and she wants to see me she misses me and keeps asking me to do things with her during the week after she said we can’t hangout all the time and what not????? Like what??? Help

回答 (3)

2019-06-30 1:36 pm
If you ask me it's not worth the time. If the relationship hasn't gotten that serious while you guys were still together, I would just move on to someone who does know what they want or just be content with being single until you find the right person.
2019-06-30 1:30 pm
You got friendzoned.
2019-06-30 1:22 pm
Until at least the mid twenties girls/women are still learning about their adult selves (men tend to take longer!), and especially in their teens hormone changes, etc. affect their moods and emotions. You pretty much just have to run with it!

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