
2019-06-29 1:20 am
Is it normal to be a virgin at 36?

回答 (4)

2019-06-30 11:42 pm
It's unusual due to the age, but in this topic there really is no such thing as normal. People have sex when they have sex depending on their opportunities, relationships, and personal values and practices regarding sex.
2019-06-29 3:28 am
I'm sorry to say this but it's unheard of
2019-06-29 3:27 am
no----virginity is not normal
2019-06-29 1:40 am
Well that is really late but there are many people who have never lost their virginity and are way older than that so I think that you should wait till you are ready first. I would say that at 36 you should have a job and are ready to have kids. If you are married and ready to start a family then yes it is normal. Yes, 36 is a little late but it is normal. Just find somebody you love then when you are ready you can loose it with them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 21:29:32
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