中翻英: 你能告訴我們為何會產生以下費用?這些費用如何計算和付款頻率? Could you tell us why the fees of below are incurred, How are they calculated and frequency of payment?

2019-06-27 11:17 pm

回答 (3)

2019-06-28 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
使用疑問句型 來表示你司的(肯定的)意願 在英語 通信中 是一種 弱勢 的表達方式. 請用:

Please elaborate on the incurrence of the fees below, including their frequency and how they were calculated.
2019-06-28 4:29 pm
Please tell us why we incur the following fees, how they are calculated, and the frequency of the payments.
2019-06-28 11:28 am
Please tell me the incurred cost in detail and describe the way to calculate & the frequency of payment.

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