I'm calling to purchase a flower bouquet that I'd Iike delivered on Monday. 請問句中的delivered 是甚麼詞態? would like 是片語動詞嗎?

2019-06-24 4:17 pm

回答 (3)

2019-06-26 11:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm calling to purchase a flower bouquet that I'd like delivered on Monday.

would like是用來說你的要求的
I would like the whole lot finished by the weekend.
like + object + past participle

形容詞子句that I'd like delivered on Monday的功能是修飾前面的a flower bouquet。
關係代名詞that同時還是子句動詞like的「受詞」,代表flower bouquet
即: I would like that flower bouquet delivered on Monday.(用分詞片語當受詞補語)
也可寫成:I would like that flower bouquet to be delivered on Monday.(即用不定詞片語當受詞補語)

2019-06-25 12:33 am

I'm calling (you) to purchase a flower bouquet that I'd Iike (it) delivered on Monday.
= 我電話你是為了購買一支花束要(被)在星期一送達.

> 句中的delivered 是甚麼詞態?
過去分詞 表示被動. 在這裡的意思是 "(被)送達(某某地點)".

> would like 是片語動詞嗎?
would是助動詞 表示禮貌

like是動詞 表示意願.在這裡的意思是 "要,要求".
2019-06-24 10:30 pm
I am calling [the flower stall, florist] to purchase a flower bouquet that I'd like [to be] delivered on Monday.

**** this sentence is the combination of the following using restrictive relative clause ****
1. I am calling the florist to purchase [a flower bouquet].
2. I would like [the flower bouquet] to be delivered on Monday.

corrections needed:
- an object must be added after the verb "call";
(format: call somebody to do something)
- an infinitive must be added after the verb "like";
(format: would like somebody/something to do something).

> delivered
past participle in a passive infinitive construction (to be + past participle)

> would like
a verb phrase (modal + base verb) to express a request (or what you want) in a polite way

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